Forgiven, By Patrick. 22

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When I fuck up something, everyone hates me for it. But when someone else fucks something up, they laugh it off and they forget about it.-Anonymous


Val's P.O.V.


I wake up, and I look at the black television screen. Then I stretch my arms, yawning wildly.

"Why?" A voice squeaks. Startled, I let out a small yelp. The person laughs. My eyes dart to my window ledge, where I herd the laughing. A dark figure is sitting on my window ledge. It looks like an animated girl. Max? The figure laughs again, then turns it's face to look at me. I see a pearly white smile, like the Cheshire cat. And beautiful eyes, hazel? Brown? Grey? I can't really tell, it's to dark in the room.

"You yelp like a kitten." The figure, most likely Max laughs.

"You scared me." I whine. I see Max shrug.

"Like I care? No." She states bluntly.

I hang my head low, in shame. "I'm sorry. What can I do to make it better?" I ask, bringing my head up, to look into those dazzling eyes.

"Just stay away." She say's softly. I stand up, and I make my way to the window ledge. When she doesn't make a move to get away from me, I know that she's hurting. And needs comforting. I kneel down, and I stare into her eyes. But I can only see the side of one, cause she's looking straight forward.

"Max, please. I'm sorry." I mumble. And then, in one swift move, she grabs my arm and some how manages to throw me out the window. And when I look down, I see a bouncy castle. The fuck...I close my eyes, then a second later, I open them again, only to see that I'm back in my room. I look back at the window ledge, and see Max, but she's in a weird stance. She has both feet on the window ledge, one hand clasping the right side of the window, and the other between her legs, clasping the border of the ledge.

"Max..." I trail off. 

"Bye Val..." She whispers. She winks then jumps off the window ledge. I run over to the window, and look down. Screaming Maxes name. But when I look down, I see nothing but grass. Okay, what the hell is going on? I look back at the television screen, and see Max.

"Boo." A voice says. And I scream.

-End of Dream-

I wake up sweating. I look along my bedroom floor. Huh, Chewy must have left through the doggy door. Yes, I put a doggy door on my door. Sorry that when i'm sleeping, I don't want to wake up and bring my dog outside. Yeah, rather not wake up in the middle of the damn night, just so my dog can do his business. Thanks, but I'll pass. I look at the television screen, to see that the movie credits ended. Well no shit Val. How long did I sleep for? It's already dark outside. I shrug, then I try to find the remote.

I found it on my dresser. Of course. I jump back on my bed, and I press play. I look at the time. Nine, fifty-four. It's been like three hours and like what, five minutes?-since I last checked the time. I shrug again.

About twenty minutes through the movie, I was about to get up and change my shirt, cause it's fucking sweaty as shit from the, nightmare I had a while back. Was it that fucking scary Val? But a voice stops me.

"A scary movie really? Blah, I'd rather watch a fucking chick flick than that piece of shit. Like, how is it enjoyable to watch some one chop, or saw someone's arm off? Actually...I kinda take that back. Chick flicks are much more fucking scarier than an actual horror film. Well, they both are equally scary. So yeah. Why not watch a fucking comedy? Or even Disney. I can't lie...I love Disney.

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