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I wheeled my suitcase out of the airport. Suddenly my phone vibrated in my back pocket as it had been doing for the ten minutes. I sighed and ignored it knowing it was probably my parents or Seb.

I sighed in frustration before spotting a pair of familiar green eyes . "Seb, over here!" I shouted. He turned and his face broke into a smile as he hurried over. Behind him I could see my mom and dad.

"Hey Bash," I greeted him before hugging him tightly. "How are you?"

"Better now that you are here," He ruffled my hair, "........shortcake." He added smirking at me using the nickname he gave me when he reached 6 foot and I was stuck 5 foot 1 inch.

I rolled my eyes at him and greeted my parents. My dad ruffled my already ruffled hair and said, "Hey kiddo." I hugged my mom and the she started rambling, "You don't know how worried we were about you after that incident happened. You weren't even ready to come home! We were so scared. I got chills every time I looked at his face in the newspaper! You poor child. We missed you so much. We even brought you ice cream. You look so beautiful, by the way. You will be safe here. We have notified the police and they are going to keep a check on our house so that law breaker wont be able to come near you. And we also....."

"Wait you brought ice cream?" I asked.

"That's the only thing you heard?!" my mom stared at me incredulously.


My dad and Seb laughed. "You may have changed your appearance but you haven't changed a bit."

"Shut it. Let's go home." I tugged on Seb's hand.

It was true, I had changed. I had swapped my glasses with lenses and added a blue streak in my hair. I had also started boxing. After the incident that night I decided to start boxing as it gave me sense of security which i never got with my parents no matter what.

Boxing not only made me fell safe but it also raised my self esteem and confidence. Although it didn't come handy when I faced ScarNeck 3 months ago.........

Shaking my head to clear the bad memories, I started towards my parents car, eager to see my house again.

"I claim shotgun!" I hollered as I raced towards the car.

"No way!" I heard Seb groan behind me as I laughed at him.

It felt good to be back with my family.


"Home sweet home." I muttered staring at my house which I hadn't seen for a year.

"I may or may not have added a TV to my room...." Seb muttered without meeting my eyes.

"What!? No fair!" I grumbled like a small kid.

"What do you mean no fair? Of course its fair! You weren't even in the house!" He exclaimed trying to defend himself.

"But still...."

"If it makes you feel better I managed to convince mom and dad to add a large bookshelf in your room....."

At that I grinned like an idiot and hugged him. "You're the best!"

"I know, I know but I can't breathe so I would appreciate it if you let me go." he grumbled.

I laughed at him and turned to admire my house. It was a typical 2 - floored house with a basement. It was painted in a sky blue and peach color like all the other houses in the lane. the driveway was to the left which led to the garage. To the right there was a small front yard. Our front porch had a small mailbox.

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