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Chapter 1

I looked out of my window and sighed. My mom and dad were so unpredictable. I looked through the window as Detriot became smaller and smaller. Well sure Sunnyvale was my birthplace, but I was still going to miss Detriot. I really should have persuaded my parents to let me stay back. But I missed my family too much and, sadly, my mother knew that too.


"What?!" I practically screamed at my mother.

"I know Nicky, but we really think you should come back home. Your brother Seb misses you so much and so do we."

"Cut the nonsense and tell me the real reason" I replied blankly.

I was in my, or rather my cousin's bedroom, chatting on skype with my mother. I was almost the exact replica of my mother with wavy light brown hair, tan complextion and high cheek bones. The only difference was that I had blue eyes while my mother's were a startling green. My brother Sebastien, who was a year younger than me, on the other hand was a mix and match with my fathers black hair and pale complextion and my mother's green eyes and high cheek bones.

My mother sighed and held a debate in her mind."Well, we really don't think its safe for you to stay there."

"Mom we have gone through this......"

"And we miss our game nights" my mother added sheepishly.


And so I had agreed to come back to the home where I had spent my childhood days, then as a 15 year-old decided to go and live in my aunt's place in Detriot where I was sure I would get bullied much less than my formar school.

"Well since I have 3 hours and nothing to do lets sleep" I muttered to myself.

I regreted my decision afterwards; who, after all, wouldn't like to skip nightmares.


I ran through the school hallway and right into the small alley that was a shortcut from my school to my aunt's home. I tried to stop the tears but they kept coming. I thought I had got used to the bullying but today had been much worse. Well at least it was better than Sunnyvale; but over here there was no one to comfort me. My aunt didn't belive me at all, so I cried in the alley then went home.

But not today; because today not only had I been bullied mercilessly but my best friend, Brittany had decided that I ruined her reputation. So she ditched me. But Brittany didn't stop there. She decided to bully me with all other jocks and girls; and that's what hurt.

So I ran and ran until I got a stitch in my stomach. I sat down, put my head between my knees and sobbed all the resentment, hurt and anger out. Somewhere between I fell asleep.

The cold wind woke me up. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I stood up and realized it was dark. Really dark. I checked my watch.

"Damn it! It's 11:30, Aunt Jenny is gonna kill me!!"

I walked out of the alley and on to the street. It was eerily quite and the cold sent chills down my body. Suddenly I heard a noise from one of the jewlery store. I panicked and started shaking. I would've called out but my voice wouldn't work. I opened my mouth but all that came out was a small whimper.

"It must be the owner of the store." I thought, trying to calm myself.

"Why would he be here?" my inner voice argued.

"Beacause he owns this place?"

"Ya right," my inner voice scoffed,"of course the owner would be in the store at this time and would rummage around without turning the lights on"

I started shivering again when realization finally dawned upon me."Th...The...theif!" I whisper shouted.

Then I did the first thing which came to my mind. I tip-toed to the door and locked the door with huge bolt. The window had a grill attached so theif would not be able to get out that way.

I ran to the nearest telephone booth and dialled 911.

Ring Ring Ring

"Please pick up, Please"

Ring Ring Ri...

"Main Street police station at your service." a curt voice answered.


I stamered not able to put a sentence together.

"Child, what's your name and where are you?" the police man asked now more authoritavely.

"Nicole Sanders, I'm in the downtown area, nea...."

I got cut off by a furious screaming and shouting coming from the jewellary store.

Apparantly the theif had realised that he had been outwitted.

"Near where Nicole?" the policeman asked. I heard shouting in the background , then the sound of police sirens.

"Redwood hotel." I answered.

"Don't move" was all I heard as the line went dead.

"Wasn't planning to." I whispered. Now that the police were coming I felt much more braver, but not brave enough to go outside.

The pounding and the shouting continued from the store but apparently the bolt held.

I waited for what seemed like eternity but was only ten minutes.

When I heard the sirens I jumped up in shock then seeing the cars went outside the phone booth. About eight policemen jumped out from the cars, and pointed there guns at the store.

One of the policeman came to me and asked,"Are you the girl who called us?"

I nodded mutely.

The policeman smiled sourly,"You will have to answer some question and then we can call your parents."

Just then theif who was being handcuffed saw me. A huge scar ran down from his right eyebrow till his cheek. He had a white blonde hair that was cut really short and the blackest eyes I had ever seen. If looks could kill I would have been dead more than a fifty times by now.

"You," he snarled in a voice that reminded me of a snake,"you wait girl, it may take time but I'm going to get my revenge."

I backed away as he stared menancingly at me.


I jerked awake, from my nightmare of the incident 5 months back, gripping my seat's armrests tightly, the image of the so called ScarNeck who almost killed 2 girls to try and get his revenge, burned into my mind.

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