"I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to bring it up." He never wanted to make anyone cry. She hugged him back, wiping away her tears.

"The last photograph. I was expecting, a baby girl." She sniffled, the two of them having shuffled into a position where Chat was leaning on her shoulder, hugging her waist. She patted him softly. "I dreamt, of a beautiful girl with blue hair and the brightest blue eyes that lit up the sky. She was clumsy at times, but she was an honest and brave girl. It felt like a dream that dragged on for years. Then I woke up one morning and that's all it was, a dream. I got a false positive." She whispered.

"A false positive?"

"I woke up in the hospital. Weeks had passed by and... I was never pregnant." Chat handed her a handkerchief from one of his pockets. She dabbed the tears away, her voice still soft.

"I'm sorry." Chat hugged her tighter and she chuckled weakly.

"When you and your friends came, the girl that was with you, she..." Her voice trailed off. "I feel like that's my lost child."

"Marinette." Sabine sucked in a sharp breath.

"That's the name we had chosen." She barely managed to say and started to sob.

Adrien's heart churned. Despite the wiping of memories of everyone in this new world, she still had distant memories of her real life. Dreams of her real life that became surreal memories.

"I'd seen her on magazines before, under the Agreste line and head of fashion. When you and your friends came, I knew it was her. She's my lost child, I just don't understand how this all happened." She spoke between sobs.

There was anger. Papillon ruined a family, for his own benefit. Not all magic is perfect and its flaw was affecting this family. His family. If it hadn't been for Sabine holding onto Chat, he probably would have stalked off and punched something. What gave that man the right to hurt all these people?

"I-I'm sorry." She blotted her swollen eyes, sniffing.

"Don't apologize." He rubbed her back comfortingly. Fury bubbled in his chest, but he tried to keep it to a minimum.

"It's time to go." Chat let out a sigh, helping Sabine stand.

"I don't know what's happening either, but Mama, I will fix it." Her eyes widened slightly at the name and her eyes went down to the ring that started to beep. "I have to go now." He gave her one more hung, giving her a gentle squeeze. When they separated, Sabine held onto his hand, looking down at his ring.

"Adrien, isn't it?" He nodded. "If you ever find yourself in trouble and you can't make it back home, come to us. The Dupain-Cheng home is also your home. I don't know how such a sweet boy like you became Paris' most wanted, but we can save that story for another day."

"Thank you, Madame Cheng." She shook her head.

"Mama is fine." She let Chat go, turning the light off. "Be careful out there dear." Chat nodded, heading back home.

As soon as Chat arrived in his bedroom, his transformation wore off. Plagg swirled out of the ring, floating in front of Adrien, looking at him carefully.

"Are you okay?" Plagg asked while Adrien began to shoo him away.

"Yes, I'm fine." Plagg floated after him as Adrien went to his bed. He could sense that something wasn't fine at all. Dark clouds were gathering over Adrien's heart and Plagg was getting increasingly worried.

"Listen kid, don't think too much of it. The old man said he was going to find the other miraculous bearer and we will fix it." Adrien picked up a pillow and threw it onto the bed harshly, to let out frustration. Plagg flinched.

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