Why? Pt. 2 (Fred x Reader)

Start from the beginning

You looked at him confused before he went on. "Dad told me about them once and it reminded me of you. Of me. Of us, how our friendship has grown over time and how I'd never change it for anything. You're my best friend and like my little sister." You smiled as he hugged you, happy to know that he saw you as family too.

~ End Flashback ~

Shaking the memory, you looked at the flowers once more before sighing and changing the topic. But how could you change a topic with a headstone? You had no idea, but you were lonely and have been going crazy.

"I know you told me not to wear dark colors to your gravesite when we talked about it all those years ago but when have I ever been the one to listen?" You smiled softly as the wind rustled, lifting your dress/shirt slightly an inch before you pulled it back down. "I wish you were here. Oh how I wish more than anything you were here with George and I, Fred. We're a mess without you even if its been three years." You felt more tears cascade down you face. Feeling a presence behind you, you turned your head and saw Fred.

"W-what?!? But... You're d-dead." You stuttered out, not believing he was there. Standing up quickly, you stared at him. He smiled softly and nodded. "You see, there's this thing called being a ghost" Fred joked as humor danced in his eyes. "But anyway, yes I'm dead but I had to see you. And yes, you are stubborn. Bloody hell (y/n)! That color is such a depressing color!" You laughed as you wiped away a tear. "I'm always there or always here, always in your heart." As he said heart, he pointed to your chest. More tears and more sobbing, you were back on the floor, not caring if your clothes got dirty.

"(Y/n) please don't cry. Tell George... Don't worry, I'm going to heaven. Tell him, that I know because him and I are the Holy Spirit. Get it? Because he's holey and I'm.... Dead. Please don't cry over me." Fred said as you only cried harder until you laughed softly at what he said. "Of all jokes, you come up with that for Holey and dead? Pathetic, absolutely pathetic." You commented before looking up at him.

"Y-you promise you'll always be there for me?" You questioned, wiping your tears as you finally calmed down mere minutes later. He only smiled sadly before motioning you to stand up. Standing back up, you looked him straight in his brown eyes. "The unbreakable vow. Do they work on spirits?" You questioned yourself, but Fred heard and chuckled. You could feel chills as he went to hug you but went through.

"Right.. I forgot that happens." He chuckled sadly before turning back with a full blown smile and his eyes twinkling with happiness. "Of course I'll always be there. You don't need an unbreakable vow to tell you that." As he said that, you smiled even more.

"I have to go, but I'll always be with you, remember that." You nodded once, tears gathering in your eyes as he turned to walk away. Before he disappeared though, he looked back at you with a mischievous smile. "Thanks. For everything. Also, the Dahlia's. They're beautiful. Mischief manage, my dear ninja princess." At that, he was whisked away by the wind, leaving only an aching feeling in your heart.

"I'll always solemnly swear..." You muttered softly, leaving the graveyard happier than you have been in years. Your question why was now over.

Y'all, I honestly cried making this. Sorry if its bad though, I'm tired, its 1:35 am and I'm sick. So if updates are slow or the chapters aren't that good, then please just understand I've been sick for almost 2 weeks. Thanks loves! XX ~ MBear.

Wow. Nearly 3 years later and this chapter still sucks but I know people like it so I'm not gonna delete it.
~Mandy 2020

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