Chapter 12

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Another short one, I know, but here it is. Enjoy and don't forget to review.

Chloe watched as Beca fought to wake up. Her heart hammered wildly in her chest. After everything that had happened in the past month, she could hardly believe that the small brunette was pulling through. Something had made Beca fight and Chloe wanted desperately to find out what it was. But for now, she was content to watch the small DJ wake up.

The redhead found herself staring intensely at Beca's closed eyelids. She hadn't realised how much she had missed her eyes. She could read those eyes. Whilst Beca tried to betray as little emotion as possible, Chloe found herself able to see what the brunette was thinking through her eyes. She half-smiled as she thought about how much Beca hated that Chloe could do that, but Chloe found it endearing.

Chloe watched as Beca's eyes finally shot open. The brunette's pupils dilated massively before the younger girl shut her eyes again. Of course her eyes would be sensitive to the light.

Chloe looked around at the doctors and nurses who were also watching the small girl wake up, against all odds. She saw that they were keeping a close eye on the monitors, fearful that this was the last push from the younger girl before she finally gave in to eternal darkness.

The redhead turned her eyes back to Beca. She watched as the younger girl opened her eyes for the second time, now slightly more adjusted to the light. Beca looked around before her eyes met Chloe's. Chloe had forgotten how beautiful the younger girl's eyes were and her heart ached painfully as she thought that she had almost lost the girl before her and her eyes.

Chloe saw a spark of recognition flash through the brunette's eyes. For that moment she allowed herself to believe that everything was going to be alright. But then the brunette's forehead creased in a confused frown. Beca looked around the room at all the doctors and nurses who stood there watching her.

When she opened her mouth to speak, her voice was raspy with disuse.

"Where am I? And who are you?"

Who thought that she was "out of the woods" just yet?

Will things get better or will things go from bad to worse?

I guess we'll just have to find out together...

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