Chapter 1

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Beca looked around at the other Bellas. None of them would meet her eyes. She knew that what she had done was wrong, but she did it with the Bellas' interests at heart. Could none of them see that? Beca's dark blue eyes moved to Chloe. The redhead was never a subtle girl and her eyes moved pointedly upwards to avoid Beca's. Beca and Chloe had been best-friends for a while now and Beca had let Chloe see behind the walls that she had spent years building. She had even allowed herself to think that maybe the redhead liked her more than friends like each other. She had never seen Chloe act the way she did with Beca with Aubrey. But here, not seeing those bright blue orbs meet hers, Beca knew that all along there had been nothing between them. Had Chloe only befriended her to join the Bellas? These thoughts ran through her head as she felt her heart break. These girls had lowered her walls only to deliver a striking blow.

Beca vaguely heard the words "if this is what I get for trying" come from her mouth before she spun on her heel and left as quickly as possible.

She heard Benji yell her name from behind her but she was so close to tears that she increased her pace until she had left the building and Benji behind. She saw the lights of an approaching cab and hailed it down, not wanting to share the minibus back to Barden with the others. She pulled open the door and slid in, not bothering with a seatbelt, looking at the driver and saying 'Barden University, Baker Hall'.

The cab driver nodded and saw that it was best not to speak to the girl in the back. He could see the hurt written all over her face and hoped that if he played the radio just that bit louder that she wouldn't be as sad. His eyes darted to the rear view mirror and saw the girl visibly relax at the music. For that much he was glad. He turned the cab off the main road and continued on to Barden.

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