Chapter 9

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Hello all. I know this one is short but it had to be done. Enjoy.

They watched in silence as the heart monitor went from a steady beat to a single flat line. There was not a single dry eye in the room as everybody watched a girl who had shown so much potential slip from the world.

Chloe choked on a sob and Aubrey wrapped an arm around the redhead, unable to take her eyes from the flat line that she knew would haunt her.

It was a very distinctive sound, the flat lining of a heart monitor. The Bellas knew it was a sound that they would never forget as long as they lived. It was the sound of death.

Along with the sound of the flat line, the only other noise in the seemingly cold hospital room was the sound of Beca's parents crying over their daughter. A daughter that they now had to bury. No parent should ever have to bury their child, let alone make the decision to switch off the machine that kept their only child alive.

Some of the Bellas turned to leave, feeling that there was nothing else that they could do. Chloe didn't want to leave, but Beca was gone. She let Aubrey turn her and lead her to the door.

She stopped immediately. Had she imagined it? No. It wasn't possible. But there it was again. A noise that she could only ever dream of. She slowly turned around and faced the bed. Nobody else had heard it. Had she gone mad? She honestly wouldn't be surprised if she had at this point.

The redhead detached herself from Aubrey's arms and made her way to the bed. Everything was hazy, as if she were in a dream. She thought this had to be a dream. There was no way that this could actually be happening.

Then she saw it.

The slight rise in the flat line of the monitor accompanied with a small beep.

Chloe was beside Beca's bedside in a heartbeat.

"Beca?" her voice wavered, partially from hope, partially from trauma. Another beep. "Oh my God! Beca! Beca wake up. Please."

Aubrey, thinking that Chloe was having a nervous breakdown, quickly made her way over to where her friend was, holding the paler-than-usual hand of the small brunette. That was until she heard the faint beep that had caused Chloe to race to the DJs side.

That's impossible, she thought. But she had heard it. She had seen the green line move.

By this point everybody had re-entered the room to see what was happening. They all watched in shock as the heartrate picked up. Now there was a steady beat coming from the monitor.

Was it a faulty monitor? They looked to Beca and saw her chest rising and falling, albeit unevenly. She was fighting. Something made her fight. Someone had made her fight.

But one thing was certain.

Beca Mitchell was alive.

So what did you think? Is everything going to be alright? Will Beca finally pull through? What will happen next?

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