Sexting A Stranger --- Please dont freak out

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Natalia's POV

I wake up to the awful screeching of my alarm, 630 on a Monday morning, I don't need this I have the worst stomach cramps ever which makes me wonder, why do girls have periods, they never get a break, like if a boy wanks it's seen as normal but if a girl fingers her self they're seen as a slut. If a boy has sex before 18 it's fine, if a girl has sex before she's 18 everyone finds out and everyone will think that she's a whore. If a boy only goes out in a pair of shorts with no shirt on its nothing, if a girl goes out with a sports bra and some shorts on, then she's a slag. If a boy cries in front of people they think it's cute, if a girl cries in front of people they call her an attention seeking bitch. If a boy goes out without his hair styled no one thinks anything of it. If a girl goes out with no makeup on and her hair in a messy bun, everyone says she's ugly. If a boy puts a picture on Instagram of his muscles then everyone think he's beautiful, if a girl puts a picture on Instagram of her in a bikini everyone goes apeshit and she's a hoe. If a boy is gay girls are like 'oh my god gay best friend' but if a girls a lesbian then they're like 'don't look at me while I'm changing fucking weirdo'. Teenagers now are so judgemental, anything any girl does, they pick on it, just fuck off with your opinions and let them be.

That's basically my opinion on most girls at my school all they ever do is pick out people's insecurities, like there's this one girl called Georgia, in my opinion she's stunning, she's tall and skinny with the longest legs ever, she has long brown hair that flows perfectly down her back with the prettiest blue eyes and beautiful cheek bones, she's gorgeous, she could be a model she's that pretty. Anyway, I think she's beautiful but she gets picked on because she's not one of those whores that walk around school as if they own the place, she's quiet and shy, she'd rather sit in the library and read a book than you to the canteen and eat lunch or go to the bike shed and smoke or go to the back of school where the populars go to snog (make out) and then end up skipping lessons to go and have sex in the janitors office. They pick on her because she's different, they don't know her like I do, I've known her all my life, her mum and mum are best friends, so we've known each other for like 16 years, she so funny, she's hilarious there's been so many times that we've been howling with laughter or that we've been at family parties and our parents have made us play drinking games and got us drunk. I guess you just have to know her to know that she's not a geek or a freak. At school she tells me not to talk to her because my friends will turn against me, I'm part of the 'populars' the ones that go around slagging people off, I think I'm probably the quietest and the least slutty out of all of them. When they're slagging or beating people up I normally stay at the back and then when they all walk off I help the person out, I guess I should leave the group but I'm scared that if I do they will make my last year of school living hell. But I'm going to get Georgia out of her shell before the end of the year I'm determined.

I've been laying here for the past 20 minutes thinking about the cunt that I call school, what to do about G, how to get this to work? I guess I should get out of bed and get ready for school, it's now 650 and it takes me an hour to get ready then I need to eat breakfast then I need to sort out my bag and then I need to get to school by 830, actually I'll just get mum to take me to school today, seen as though her school have a teacher training day, fucking wankers why can't I go to that school it's not fair!

I get in the shower to warm me up and to clean me up, you know make sure I don't smell like wet dog. 15 minutes later I'm out of the shower and I'm in the middle of drying my hair, my hairs quite thin and long so it drys quite quickly and I normally leave it how it's friend or just put a bun in my hair, I think I'll have a bun in my hair today, I do my foundation, put on some eyeliner along with penciling my eyebrows in, I put on some mineraliser just so my foundation doesn't look patchy then I end with a little mascara, not bad for a Monday morning. I go to the cupboard that has my stupid uniform in it, my uniform consists of a white button up shirt with a grey cardigan or jumper that has the school colours, black and yellow, on it then a blazer that's grey with the school logo on the front, the girls have an option of a skirt that has to be black and not too short and revealing or black trousers that can't go in at the bottom, but mine go in at the bottom. Oh yeah let's not forget the stupid tie we have to wear, it's black and yellow striped. Yeah I know ugly right, but it's not actually that bad, at least it's comfy I guess. Once I'm dressed and my hair and makeup is done I head downstairs for breakfast toast, YUM, most creative breakfast award goes to my mum. Once I've ate a couple of pieces of toast I go and get my bag ready.

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