How He Fell In Love.

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Song: Teach Me // Keaton Henson

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He ran his fingers through her hair, tracing circles over her fair dark skin, as she clung to him underneath the sheets. She hummed the tune of Coldplay's The Scientist against his chest, as both of them watched the snow fall from their bedroom window.

"Noah?" She asked.

"Yes baby?" He answered.

"Tell me when you knew you were in love with me." She spoke softly.

He chuckled deeply, a smile appearing on his plump lips as he continued tracing circles on her skin. "It's Christmas Eve and you want me to tell you when I fell in love with you?"

She bit her lip and nodded, her attention on tracing the black ink swirls across his torso. She'd been with him for over a year, and was still fascinated by the amount of tattoos he had.

"I knew I was in love with you the minute I saw you in the poetry section of that book store." He said after a few moments of just admiring the beautiful figure clinging to his body.

"Your eyes scanned the books that lined the shelves with awe, and every time you picked up a book from the shelf, you'd sigh because you knew you couldn't afford it." He explained. "You were so fascinated with Michael Faudet's Dirty Pretty Things, I knew I had to get it for you."

She looked up at him, still biting her lip; her wondrous actions ceasing. "I almost didn't go to the location you put in the note you left me, inside the book."

He chuckled again and pressed his lips against her forehead. "My God, am I happy you decided to go."

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