"What the hell?" I asked myself.

I gently moved the box and heard a few distinct mews in protest. I opened the flaps of the box and peered in. My eyes widened and I swear I could have been dreaming. The kittens looked like the Akatsuki from Naruto! I thought back to a fan fiction I once read about the Akatsuki turning into cats.

"You guys are so awesome. I am taking you home!" I said cheerily.

I gently grabbed the box and balanced it on my hip as I carried my sweets with my other hand. I unlocked my door once I got there and closed the door with my foot. I set my sweets down on the couch and on my other one I put the kittens.

"Any of you bite me..." I said glaring at the silver kitten. "... you will be blown up then burned."

The kittens eyes widened and one by one I grabbed the kittens and put them on the couch.

"You know...you guys look a lot like these people I saw before. A group called the Akatsuki..." I said.

The cats stiffened and I giggled. I was wondering if my hunch was right but I guess only time will tell.

"I am Kitten and for right now I will just call you whatever I want I guess," I said.

The kittens nodded uneasily. I smiled happily. If this really was like one of those fan fictions I was going to be in trouble but this is going to be awesome!

"All right since you look like them I will name you accordingly. Black is Weasel, red head is Scorpion, Blonde is Deidei, navy blue is Shark, orange swirly black kitten is Sweet, purple-blue with flower clip is Violet, brown with black stitch like markings is Stitch, silver is Dick, green tuft of hair and half black half white is Yin-yang, and the orange is Leader!" I concluded with a smile.

The kittens looked at me in surprise and wonder and I just smiled back.

"If you want food, just follow me," I said as I grabbed Sweet.

Of course all of them followed me. I smiled as I led them to my kitchen. I got some chicken from the night before out of the fridge then heated it up. I grabbed small bowls and set a large one down for them to drink out of. Once the chicken was done I put an equal amount in all the bowls.

Dick was the first one to go to the food. The others seemed skeptical and I took a piece of chicken to feed to Sweet. He happily ate it and the others went to their own food bowls. I giggled as they ate and I placed Sweet down to eat as well.

I walked to my small music room and ran my fingers over the keys. I had a music book on it and it was open to one of my favorite classical music songs. It was by Beethoven. His music soothed me when mad for some reason so I always kept a song book or something open so I could play it on the rare occasions.

I realized it had been a long time since I even played. I sat down with a small smile and started playing my piano. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that three kitties were watching me. It was Sweet, Violet and Leader. I smiled to myself as they came in the room and Sweet jumped up on the stool beside me.

I stopped playing and looked to the kittens. The rest had come in and I smiled at them wondering what they wanted. Sweet pawed the piano key and I giggled as it let out a note scaring him. He ducked into my lap and hid his head in my lap.

"Do you guys like it?" I asked.

They looked at me and some nodded, even Leader which surprised me some. I smiled again and started playing again. Sweet looked at my hands as they went over the keys and when I went to play a note he hit the note instead. I smiled at him some and he looked up at me in what seemed to be a smile.

Once I finished the kittens were asleep mostly. I giggled softy and met the gaze of the few that were awake which were Weasel, Scorpion, Leader, Violet, and Sweet. I got up from my seat and held Sweet in one hand then grabbed the other kittens that were awake.

I carried them to my room and sat them on my bed. They sat down and I went to my closet to get out a nightgown. I motioned that I would be back and I headed to the bathroom to get dressed. I came back into my room to find the kittens on the right side of my bed except for Sweet who was curled up on my pillow.

I smiled to myself and lied down on my side of the bed. I turned off my bed side lamp and I felt something fuzzy beside my cheek. I stroked Sweet's fur and I heard him purr. I fell asleep to the sound of Sweet's soft purr beside me.

Time flew passed the first few weeks and it was nice until one night.

"Where am I?" I said aloud.

Everything was white and black. I saw a speck of color and walked towards it. It was red and when I reached it I just wanted to cry. It was my parent's lifeless bodies. I saw something beside them. I knew what it was already though. I already had this dream before but it still haunted me.

Beside my parents was my twin sister's mutilated body. I dropped to my knees and clenched my fists tightly as the tears glided down my face. Blood started to drip from my hands but I paid no mind to it. I threw up then my body shook with violent coughs.

I took my hand away from my mouth and saw blood there. My eyes widened and coughs violently shook my body again, worse this time.

I woke up gasping for air. The kittens were gathered around me and I pushed them away as coughs started to shake me. I fell out of my bed and went to my stand to find my water. I drank the water once I found it and sat with my back against my wall.

The kittens came over to me and Sweet nuzzled my non-bloodied hand. I smiled lightly and patted his head. I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes for a minute. I moved my hand and knocked over the rest of the water that was in the cup. The glass fell and the water went all over Weasel.

"Weasel!" I yelled as he started to smoke.

My vision got blurred by the smoke and I it caused me to start coughing again. My hand got covered by more blood and I remembered I never took my medicine the other day. I rummaged through my dresser trying to find my pills but couldn't. I was surprised when a hand wrapped around my wrist and I looked to see onyx eyes.

"Let me..." he said gently.

"I-Itachi..." I said quietly.

He picked me up and set me on my bed as I started to cough again and I saw he only had a towel around his waist. My coughs started to get worse and Itachi finally came over to me with my pills. I swallowed them with a new glass of water and my coughs started to receded.

"T-thank you Itachi..." I said quietly, still shaken from my fit.

He nodded and I saw the other kittens were sitting on my bed near me. I started to breath normally and Itachi sat beside me.

"I-It was the water..." I said before I drifted off into unconsciousness.

Me: This is my first chapter everyone. I hope you liked it guys. Comments are appreciated and welcomed. Tell me what you guys think please.

Tobi: Tobi thinks Koneko-chan did good and thinks people should comment!

Me: Thank you Tobi. The description for Kitten is actually how I look then how I think I should have made her look which you will find out later on. I couldn't come up with anything for her so I just used myself. I based her off of myself except for the part about her parents and age. Again I hope you liked it and the picture I posted I had drawn myself. It is from an actual picture of myself. I looked at my picture and drew it.




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