Would You Carry Me to The End

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Dear diary, 
Today is the last day. I'm going to kill myself today. I have been planning this since my last entry, you probably aren't surprised. It's okay. I'll be okay. I'll go to school today and say goodbye and all the fun shit school entails. Then I'm doing it. Hell yeah. Goodbye lil fucker.


I woke up and started thinking. God, thinking is always bad. 4 am thoughts are always bad. I mean like why am I still living? 

My mom didn't come home last night. I don't think she's actually going to for a while. I hope she found someone she really loves. Well, I mean that would be bad for dad, but when he gets back they'll be happy and mom will be better and... Who am I kidding? My dad isn't coming back and I knew it deep inside but I keep lying to myself. I'm done lying. I'm done pretending. I can't lie anymore. I can't fake it. I'm done. 

I glanced back up at my clock and it read 6. I should probably get ready. I hopped in the shower and washed my body. I winced when I ran the black loofa over my still pretty fresh cuts. I looked closely at them and I liked how it felt. I missed this feeling. I don't know why I stopped cutting. It is so much better than getting high or drunk or whatever. It's not as bad in the long run. I mean sure, it's still an addiction, but I mean, It's not gonna kill me. I got out of the shower and dried myself off. 

I put on tight, tight black skinny jeans. I swear the jeans are my size but it takes a lot of fucking work to put them on my scar-filled thighs. I put on a grey long sleeved undershirt and an Iron Maiden shirt over it. I put on some red eyeliner and straightened my hair. I will never be sexy, no matter how hard (HEHEHEHEHEHE) I try. I mean like I could be cute but like I want to be the mess in someone's pants. I want to be what people think off when they come. I want to be that sexy. I shrugged. I guess whenever your wishes are granted your dreams are destroyed. I love that quote. (It's Marilyn Manson) I think that more people should learn this. If life is what you want it to be then there is nothing to work for. There is nothing to chase after. I don't know. I guess people like to fool themselves. 

I put my book bag (its a fucking bookbag not a backpack. Fite me, bitch. My computer wants to correct it to backpack. Kill me.) on my shoulders. Left and then right. I then slipped on my very beat up black converses. 

I got to school early and pulled out some smokes. (why do I talk so weird) "Look the emo fag hasn't killed himself yet!" Some kid yelled at me. I looked up and saw it was Jinxx. (I love jinxx don't judge me.)  I'm not sure what his real name; I don't really care. Even the teachers called him Jinxx though. I guess he thinks it makes him though. 

I sighed and put out my half burned cigarette out against the brick wall I was leaning against. "Don't worry, I'm planning on it. Wouldn't you like to have me off your wimpy little shoulders?" I turned so I was facing him and he looked genuinely pissed. 

"Looks like the-"

"You say looks a lot. Who are you talking to? You're too much of a lit bitch to have any friends." I interrupted and tried not to laugh in his face. I was already going to get beaten and I was already planning on dying so I don't see why not to make fun of him before it all. 

"You are the bitch in this relationship." He had a face of regret as the words were pouring out of his mouth. 

"I didn't know you were a fag." At this I felt a sharp pain to my jaw. I bitch slapped him and tried to get away. He pushed me to the ground and pinned my arms above my head straddling my waist. I felt myself growing semi erect at the pressure and the pain that came with it. 

"You like this bitch?" He moved my wrists into one of his hands and slapped me. I spit up at him and he slapped me again. "Fucking bitch. You like being thrown around?" I bit my lip and tried not to moan as he was grinding his hips on my almost fully hard on. When he felt it it he got up. "You fucking did like it. You get off to me every night? Fucking slut" He pushed me down after he pulled me up. He kicked me in the stomach, hard. He pulled his foot back and kicked again. A little higher this time. He kicked me a third time, straight on my rib. I cried out in pain and he spat on me before he walked away. I lay there and decided that I should've killed myself before, not after school. 

I got up and walked, well limped would be a better description, into the bathroom. I lifted my shirts and I saw the bruises were already starting to appear. I groaned and looked down at my phone. I had about an hour left of music. I was only good at music. I played the rhythmic guitar and I'm not too bad I guess. I really want to join a band, but I'm not that good, Ya know? I cleaned up the cuts that were just barely bleeding and walked to my music room. 

I sat down in the back and when I looked up I didn't see the old dickbag I used to have as a teacher. I saw a young, attractive man. God, he was sexy. I want to look like him. He had long black hair and long eyelashes. I felt myself growing hard at the thought of how his body looked if his face was this attractive. Fuck he was really hot. 

"Sir, you are late." The teacher pointed at me and I blushed profusely at the nickname. 

"You called me sir" I breathly giggled. "I know I am... Daddy." I moaned out oblivious to the rest of the class. 

He tensed up. "What is your name, Young pupil?" 

I giggled again and I felt all the blood rush to my face. At this I was hoping it would leave my dick. I guess I have enough blood in me to blush and be fully erect (hehe i love this phrase) "Frank. Frank Iero." 

He nodded. "The teachers warned me about you. I'm Mr. Way and if you call me" He gulped "daddy again I will punish you."

"What are you gonna do daddy?"

"Iero, see me after class." 

After this he continued class and I tried not to think of all the dirty things he was going to do to me after class.

Maybe I could stay alive another day?

Okay, well here ya go. Gee met Frank. 

1208 words

Stay Safe- Over protective mom, briboo

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