Why exactly did I come back again? I can think of a few places I could flame that would raise his body temperature... Taureen seemed to pick up my irritation and cradled me in his arms while offering me a piece of shia fruit.

Bribery mellowed my mood, and it wasn't as if I could change the fact the tracker was already hiding somewhere under my skin. Before long, the harness was once more slipped over my wings, and we headed out to explore the city and inspect the incoming trade ships.

Our search was fruitless, but that in itself was a good thing. It meant that none of those creatures had been around. Apparently, most trade ships were now stopping here so that I could check them out before continuing on to other cities. Some cities refused ships who didn't get inspected, and this allowed them to reach more exclusive markets.

On the way home, Taureen stopped in the tiny park that he often let me explore. I stood up on his shoulders, waiting for him to replace the short leash with the long one. He got me to step down onto his arm.

He simply unclipped the leash, and I turned my head to examine him in shock. He held out his arm as he said, "Go on." I looked at him like he was crazy, but, hey, who was I to argue? I promptly flew over to a small pond and started splashing about as I enjoyed the water.

Taureen stood nearby, watching closely, in case I ended up needing assistance, but his watch was in vain. I somehow suspected that he was surprised at how well I could swim. I could even close my nostrils to dive under the water.

I climbed onto a warm rock to shake myself off before partially opening my wings to dry in the sun and light breeze. Taureen held out his arm and spoke quietly, "Tasha, to fist."

With a sigh, I spread my wings further and jumped into the air. It had been fun while it lasted. Perhaps he will let me do it again.

I landed on his arm, and he stroked my neck before giving me a sunburst berry. Once I finished the treat, he held out his arm. "Go on." I took off once more, exploring the underside of dense shrubs that I hadn't dared to drag my leash into in the past. Taureen followed closely, while watching me and keeping an eye on our surroundings.

I wasn't entirely sure what he was watching for. This park was so small that only a couple of small birds and butterflies called it home. It made no sense that he looked as if he was on guard against something.

"Tasha, to fist." I crawled out from under the shrub to fly to his extended arm. Another berry, and he let me go explore again. I think I know what training game this is. I can actually appreciate this one.

After a couple of hours of recall training, he transferred me to his shoulder before we left the park. He didn't clip the leash onto my harness either. I lay down on his shoulder as I considered the recent turn of events. Interesting.


       Tkael and Alec came by in the evening again. Alec sat down in a chair, glancing at me as I basked under the heat lamp. He asked, "How did today go?"

Taureen glanced towards me. "It went as it usually did. No traces of sicora or crawlers though. It was as if the last four days never happened. What of the wild flock? Any news?"

Alec sighed as he responded, "Still as hard to track as ever. We have been keeping a careful eye out, but all are accounted for. Whoever went after Tasha either has not attempted to catch one of the wild ones or hasn't succeeded."

Tkael inquired, "Any idea why part of that flock separated and then returned?"

Alec shook his head. "They were obviously looking for something before they returned. Did you notice that Tasha also turned up in that same park after escaping? It makes me wonder if she didn't head there specifically for something."

He glanced at Taureen, who shrugged before replying, "There may be a trace mineral that Tasha is just getting enough of to prevent it from showing up in the blood tests. It is why I keep letting her roam so much in the parks. That is our best guess at the moment since the blood tests didn't turn up anything noteworthy."

Well, that was a bonus for me. I would just have to keep nibbling on a huge variety of plants. Their talk turned to an analysis of the plants that Taureen had seen me nibble lightly on a few times versus the ones that I had repeatedly munched on.

Soranto arrived with supper for all of them and passed the dishes of food around. Their plates mostly held meat, and they didn't seem to use much for spices or sauces. Most of it didn't appeal to me in the least, although one thing on Taureen's plate smelled like chicken. It had obviously originated as some sort of bird.

Most dragonets occasionally got a hankering for chicken or fish. I hadn't had either for months. Right now, I had a craving for KFC chicken, but with that simply being impossible, the cut-up strips of meat on Taureen's plate fit the bill.

I wonder what the odds are of him letting me steal from his plate. It wasn't something I had tried before, simply having no interest in his food or being relaxed enough to contemplate it. I doubted that he would stop me since I really didn't have any boundaries. Well, no time like the present to try.

I uncurled and stretched before jumping from the end table; with a single wingbeat to carry me the short distance, I landed on the center table that they had their plates on. They glanced at me in curiosity; their discussion about plants in the back garden interrupted.

I walked over to Taureen's plate while sniffing. With one eye on Taureen, who was simply watching me, I reached out my neck to snag one of the pieces of lightly-roasted dark meat. I turned and jumped up onto his shoulder pad to lie down and chew on it. It did taste just like fried chicken.

I chose to eat on his shoulder pad since he was less likely to do anything while I sat there. At the moment, all four were watching me in surprise. Alec looked pointedly at Taureen, waiting for him to provide an explanation.

Taureen shrugged lightly. "This is a new one to me. I have never seen her do this before."

Alec watched me in curiosity. "I wonder if the wild ones occasionally eat meat. It wouldn't surprise me with their claws and teeth though. I find it odd that she would eat meat just after coming back from her journey, especially when she has not shown any such interest previously."

These guys dug way too deep into any little detail or quirk as they tried to figure out what prompted various behaviors. It didn't seem to occur to them that I had simply had a hankering for chicken. I stole one more piece of that meat from Taureen's plate before heading back to the heat lamp.

Upon Wings Of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now