baconman x Hashbrown Hank : broken walls

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~ something new I wanted to try
Hope you like it~

Hank's pov

I rolled my eyes at bacon man, he was going on and on about how great he was and how he was better than sky, just get over it you'll never have as many followers as sky “ And I have hashbrown Hank with me to day and we're going to be playing BUILD BATTLE!!!” I wave at the camera, I didn't care anymore about him, he's never been a true friend and he never will kinda hurts that he still treats me like I'm hurts that I  care for I don't care about him I...I think I love him, his dark brown hair and eyes, to his annoying personality. Round one started and the theme was a romantic dinner, I ignored baconman's idea and started building the set, after a while I was done and I thought it looked great
The judgeing began and we were up first, and we got a first place on the leader board, I smile maybe he'll be nice since I got us first place.

Baconman's pov

I couldn't believe Hank lead us to victory, but then again...NO!! I said I would think like that anymore, I said I would think about that blonde hair, and those perfect Emerald green eyes, or that perfectly plump ass, or his soft lips against mine mhhhh NO!! I did it again!!. I growled at Hank when he smiled at me, his smile turned into a frown and his eyes looked saddening, I scoffed at him, I turned to the camera after the second round began, the theme was kissing, I blushed a bit kinda wishing I would listen to my senses and be nice to Hank so I could love him. Hank some how manged to get us second place, it wasn't bad to have lead board but “ Heys Baconsmans?”  I looked at Hank “ what come to finally admit I'm better than you?” I swear I saw tears in his eyes “ nevers minds, yous wouldn'ts cares anyways” that hurt, I watched as he began to build the next theme but I didn't care about what number we got on the leader board, I was more worried about
Hank, I've been such a dick to him and he doesn't even deserve it.

Hank's pov

Once the challenge was over Baconman asked me to stay behind, he has something he wants to tell me
" okay baconsmans whats dos yous needs?” he stays silent for a minute
before he started to.. cry? “ I'm so sorry Hank, I'm sorry for how I've been treating you, I'm a terrible person, please forgive me ugh..uhhh!” I looked at him with shock, he's apologizing, to me....“ I uh don'ts knows, I's can'ts just forgives  and forgets abouts alls thes torment, yous haves tos earns  mys trust” he looks at me tears still streaming down his face... He suddenly lunges at me and does the most Shocking thing...HE'S KISSING ME!! his soft lips move against mine, I could tell he was true about his feelings, he stopped kissing me “ I..i should of guessed you didn't like me” be fore he could walk away I turn him to face me. I lean in and kiss him, my arms gripped his shoulders pulling him down, he kissed back happily, wrapping his arms around my lower back, pulling me closer to him, his tongue licks my bottom lip asking for access, I grant it as he teleports us to his house. He lays me on his bed never breaking the kiss, he kneed my crotch a bit “mghh” he kissed my neck leaving dark purple marks, he started to take my clothes off “ W..waits!” he looked at me with a worried expression “ did I do something wrong?” I shake my head “ n..nos yous didn'ts, it's justs....aren'ts wes goings a bits fast?” he suddenly understood what I meant “ if you..uh, want we could all was ugh go on a date?” I smiled a bit “ ifs yous reallys wants to beings ins a relationships with me thens yous haves tos stops with the names callings and abuse” he looked at me and kissed me again “ I'll do anything to be with you Hank, even if that means shuting down the walls that kept me from telling you how much I love you” I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder “ loves yous toos, Baconsmans”

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