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She could still see it all when she closed her eyes. It haunted her dreams at night.

She remembered the terror and the agony like it had just happened, like the wounds were fresh. Sometimes she could still hear the echoes of screams in her ears. Still feel the wind that had whipped through the open windows, the chill that had fallen over the room.

Each night she buried herself under the thick down comforters on her bed to ward away the cold feeling at the back of her neck. The feeling that had been haunting her relentlessly ever since that night all those years ago. The ghosts in her past made her shiver in the summer and retreat into herself despite all their efforts to keep her at the surface.

She had always been a little broken inside, but that night had turned the fissures inside of her into canyons. Deep gorges in her heart that wore her down and threatened to completely tear her apart.

An emptiness had consumed her as she watched the flames reach for the sky; eating away everything, anything. It had stayed with her.

An emptiness she wasn't sure she would ever be able to fill.

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