"no! you're coming " he yelled.

"jack i can't " i told him looking down away from the camera , to make it look like I'm sad , but really I'm hiding my smile.

"why? why can't you come. its me right? thats why? you don't want to see me ? i mean why else won't you want to? you've got the tickets and all." he told me looking sad. i felt bad he thinks it him , it is him why i want to go.

"what no jack don't say that its you cause its not , i am -" he cut me off

"don't say its you just you know what I'm not feeling good ill talk to you later" he told me , before i could answer he hung up. he thought i was going to do the 'its not you its me' crap?

i tried calling him again but i couldn't. he won't answer.

i went on iMessage 

claire: jack , please answer.

claire: jack?

claire:please answer me 

claire: its not what you think.

claire: please.

claire: i was wrong , I'm sorry.


 claire: guess i won't come for real now.

(message was not sent)

claire: but i love you.

(message was not sent)

 i screamed into my pillow and threw my phone on my bed. i shouldn't of have joked like this.

i laid on my bed thinking about him , do i really love him.

i don't fully , but when i see him i will completely love him , seeing him is the last step.

i drifted to sleep while thinking of him 


i woke up to someone knocking obnoxiously on the door.

i walked out of bed grumpily , walking to the door.

i grabbed the door handle and opened it to face a , happy Cam.

i glared at him for waking me up.

"good morning to you too" he said sarcastically , he smiled at me and pulled me into a hug.

i pulled away and gave him a finger indicating for him to give me a minute , i ran to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. then walked back to cameron.

"you look horrible" he told me laughing. i rolled my eyes

"im flattered to hear that , every girl is jealous of me , its what they want to be called every morning" i replied sarcastically.

"whats wrong?" he asked me.

"you gave him my number?" i asked him, cam nodded.

"he called me we talked for like a hour , then i joked with him. and he got it wrong he then hung up and ignored me." i told cam frowning.

"oh no , what'd you joke about?" he asked me.

"i told him i couldn't come to the concert , and its that i won't be able to see him" i started and cam nodded while sighing "he started saying , like why would possibly not want to come you've got a ticket and everything why. i just continued the joke ,and told him i can't . so he's like its me right , you don't want to see me i know i shouldn't of have done any of this. then i was about to say its just that I'm joking but he cute me off before i said just , he thought i was going to say it not you its me crap , so he's like don't say its me not you , and that he's not feeling good then he hung up" i continued. cam rubbed his face and sighed.

"oh my. laire you shouldn't of said that , he went through  really bad break ups and they both ended like this , you're the first girl he talked to and about , after 4 years." cam told me , i just felt worse.

"what do i do , cam i-i " i told cam but i couldn't continue.

"you what?" cam asked me. i looked into his caramel brown eyes and said it " i love him , its only almost a month , but i do i fell for his personality , and i know that ill be officially in love with him when i see him." i told him.

"finally"  cam muttered.

"ill talk to him" cam smiled at me. i nodded and hugged him.

"thank you cam , i love you" i told him

"me too gorgeous" he muttered holding me close , i took in his smell his strong cologne.

"you smell good" i told him

"thanks" he replied laughing , me and cam got along really fast , were so close now.

after a few minutes, cams phone rang he grabbed it and pulled away from my hug and smiled at the phone. he showed me the screen "Gilinsky" it said 

"the couple come for me for advice " cam joked before answering.

"hey...... yeah .....okay" cam said he looked at me and muted jack "i need to talk to him in private" he told me i nodded and gestured to my room , he nodded and walked there.


after 20 minutes cam came out of my room smiling.

"i have to go beautiful" he told me and pulled into a hug.

"bye see you , thanks cam" i told him

"anytime sweetheart"he smiled and walked out of the house.

i walked to my room and picked out my outfit for today , and grabbed my phone to play some music. 

when my screen lit up i froze and smiled.

Jack: I'm sorry , i really am i overreacted. i need to talk to you.❤️

i grabbed my phone and dialled his number. he answered on the second ring.

"hello" i heard his voice , butterflies attached my stomach.


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