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The following morning, Yoongi was woken up by a loud noise causing him to groan in frustration. He opened one eye, quickly spotting the culprit. His phone.

He squirmed around in bed before reaching out to the nightstand where his phone was laying. He lazily picked it up, holding the home button for a couple of seconds until the phone turned off completely. "That's much better," he sighed, turning back around to face the younger who was still sound asleep. He pressed his lips softly on his forehead, then wrapped his arms around his small body before going back to sleep again.

A few hours later, he woke up to an empty bed and a blue sticky note stuck to his phone.

Sorry for leaving without telling you but you looked too comfortable sleeping, I didn't want to wake you up. I'll be working 'til 6 pm today, so I left a spare key on the counter for you to lock my door just in case you leave! I also left your breakfast in the kitchen.

Jimin ❤️️

Yoongi read the note with a smile plastered on his face, his cheeks reddening a bit. He quickly got up from the bed and made his way to the bathroom. In there, he found a brand new toothbrush, with another note stuck to it.

I figured you'd also need a toothbrush, so use this one well.

If you want to take a shower, you can use my clothes and if you need to charge your phone, my charger is in the living room. Please text me if you leave!

~ Jimin

Yoongi couldn't hold back his laugh anymore, everything Jimin did was too fucking adorable. He's a completely different person from last night, but he didn't mind.

He decided to take a shower and get cleaned up, once he was done, he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked to Jimin's closet.

After picking out what to wear, he walked out of the big closet, throwing the clothes on the bed. He stared at himself in the full length mirror that Jimin owned, noticing the faded marks on his wrists, the deep red love bites on his neck and chest. He ran his fingers across the marks, remembering the night before. He was happy even though he was practically tortured. He still felt a connection between them, and to be honest he was secretly hoping for a happy, lasting, relationship... with Jimin.

Wait. He showed me his torture room, he literally whipped me like a horse, and he's doing all these little cute things afterwards... Does that mean we're dating? Yoongi furrowed his brows, stomping towards the bed and quickly changing into his clothes. He grabbed his phone, frowning at the screen since it was taking forever to turn back on. Once it turned on, he dialed Jimin's number... The phone rang twice before his call was redirected to voicemail. He quickly hung up, dialing it again, only to be sent to voicemail for the second time. Yoongi frowned, he wanted answers. He wanted to know where they stood, he wanted to know what they were, but more than anything, he wanted to know how Jimin felt about everything.

He grabbed the spare key that Jimin left on the counter, slipping it inside his back pocket along with his cellphone. Not even bothering to look at the cute, handmade breakfast Jimin made for him, he stormed out of the small apartment, locking the door behind him.


"What the hell happened to you? Where were you?!" Namjoon yelled as Yoongi stormed into his room, not bothering to answer any of his friends questions. "FUCK OFF BITCH, I don't want to deal with you today."

"You didn't come home last night! Jin was fucking worried about you cause you didn't even fucking call or answer your damn phone, and now that you're back, you're in a pissy ass mood and don't even want to talk to me ... what the fuck dude?!" Namjoon yelled back at him, making him flinch.

Namjoon curses on a daily basis, not because of anger but because that's how him and Yoongi talk to each other. But today is different, he can certainly tell how worried he was just by the tone of his voice. "Sorry, tell Jin I'm sorry too."

The taller male let out an exasperated sigh, then began walking towards Yoongi who was now laying on his bed, with a pillow covering his face. He took a seat next to him, gently taking the pillow away, "Tell me what the fuck happened to you," he said, this time more calmly.

Yoongi sat up, scooting over to sit in front of his friend. He removed his hoodie and then his shirt, exposing his bare upper body to his friend, "This happened," he said, pointing at the red spots on his neck and chest, then running his hands around his wrists.

Namjoon only sat there, staring. Eyes wide open, not being able to mutter out a single word.

Tied Up ☾YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now