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The Selfie war got over soon 

We headed out toward's the exit of the mall 

Something caught my eyes & I paused ..

I caught Ji yeon's hands & she stood beside me to see what i'm looking at 

We started fangirling with sparling eyes & squealings unmindful that people were watching us 

Sehun & Beakhyun had no idea with our sudden weird behaviour 

A long tv hung somewhere in the top & there's a CF of Lee Minho running in it 

Though we've seen the same CF  lots of time in the tv & internet .. Still it feel's like watching for the first time 

Sehun guessed it out & he came close to me "I remember that you said your Bias is Song jongki .."

"C'mon Sehun .. How could you expect us to have just one bias .." i said him 

Ji yeon joined me "We ourselves don't have the count on the number of our bias's .."

Once the CF got over. We again started walking towards the exit 

"Why don't you join us. We'll drop you .." Beakhyun said 

"Ani .. We'll take the bus." I said 

We bid bye's to each other. They left in the car & then we boarded the bus 

"So .. how was ice skating ..??" I started the convo 

"Super .. I enjoyed it alot ..!!!" she said 

Guess she really had so much fun because i could sense it in her tone 

"Actually Beakhyun is really different than we thought ...!!!" Ji yeon suddenly spoke about Sunbae 

"Chinchaa ..???" I tried to sound surprising

"Yeah ... I thought he's a weirdo but he's really friendly .." she continued .. 

The chat continued until we reached our home's .. 

After dinner i just jumped into my bed 

I thought of watching something in the Youtube. But then the boy's were online 

And so i ended up chatting. Ji yeon joined in the group chat too 

 The chat extended so long until the midnight. We got to know about each other in person & also & we exchanged our likes & dislikes

Since the next two day's were weekend. We didn't even step out of the house & spent the entire time in the group chat 


It's a fresh morning to start the week. Generally the first day of the week start's well ..!!

I walked to the school with Ji yeon. We reached our class 

The student's were almost there & the class is already full. We sat in our place 

Ji yeon turned around searching for something 

Guess she's looking for them. I expected this to happen but not very soon. I smirked 

"What are you looking for .??" I questioned though i knew the answer 

"Nothing..!!" she said. Her eyes still scanning around the class 

"Did you forget ?? Today they are having a basketball match. May be they are practising " I said & only then she remembered 

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