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Eunha's POV 

"You look astonished !! What happened ?" I asked them since they didn't seem normal 

"Who is he ..??" Baek subae asked irrelevantly

"Who ..??" I asked being confused

"Jongdae ..??" He replied

"First of all use honorifics ! He is elder than you" I corrected him

"First answer our question. Who is he ?" Sehun demanded 

"He is my Eonni's boyfriend. Soon to be my brother-in-law" I replied. And once again their jaws dropped ! 

'What is there to be surprised ?' 

"Then what about you Jiyeon ? How is he related to you ?" Baekhyun asked suspiciously

"Our families are close ! So i know him since childhood" She said & he heaved a sigh of relief 

Sehun still looked confused & so i explained "Eonni & Oppa were good friends for 2 years that is when i was 8 years old ! Then they stared to date & 8 years has passed by since then" 

"We grew up seeing their love story. Its an example of a perfect relationship. And that's why we call him a Love expert !" Jiyeon added

"Why are you so much surprised ? By chance did Oppa tell you something ?" I asked doubtfully 

"Probably he would have ! He is such a troll & loves to play trick on people.." they didn't let Jiyeon to complete. Both Sehun & Baekhyun started to laugh crazily. They even hugged & gave high-five to each other 

'What's wrong ?' 

"Yaa !! What happened ?" Jiyeon asked & they started to laugh even louder 

"Sshhh !!! They might hear us" I tried to stop them & thankfully they did 

Sehun whispered something to Baek sunbae & then he came to me. I gave him a puzzled look but least bothered of that he took hold of my hand & dragged me 

"What are you doing Sehun ?" 

"Let's not disturb them" I struggled but ended up failing 

"What's happening here ?" I heard Jiyeon say before i left my room 

We walked down the stairs. By this time Oppa & Eonni were eating 

"Hey Sehun !" Eonni waved

"Finally i get to see you smile ! Guess all your doubts are cleared" Oppa asked added with a wink. Sehun nodded & grinned wide 

"Mianhae Hyung" He emphasized the latter word 

"Not required ! Just take it easy" Oppa showed his genuine smile 

"Sorry for disturbing you ! I'll take care of her" Sehun said & they nodded 

'How can they go so easy over this ?' 

Jiyeon & Baekhyun were behind me. I heard sunbae speak something similar like Sehun 

"Where are we going ?" i asked once we exited 

"To the mall.." He said coolly 

"Yaa !! Is this the time to go to a mall" i whined 

"No, but still lets leave your oppa & eonni alone for sometime" he said & i felt that is reasonable 

Meanwhile Jiyeon & Sunbae came out 

"Don't be late to home, Arrasoh !" Baek sunbae instructed & Sehun nodded 

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