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I open the door & let out a fake smile 

My aunt squeezed me hard in the name of showering her unlimited love

She finally let me free "I know i'm late .. Mianhae my darling .."

"Its allright .. Come in .." i welcomed her inside 

I closed the door & walk behind her, that's when I noticed that she had a carry-bag in her hand

What could be inside it.. ???  I pray hard that it mustn't be what I think !!!

 I sat beside her & my eyes rolled up to the direction of the room wondering what he is doing up there 

Aunt "The reason why i'm late is .. i was busy baking some cookies .."

COOKIES !!! No way .. This is something i never wished to happen ..

 GOD .. why me ..!!??

She took out a box from her bag & gave it to me. With shaky hands I just took it from her & placed it on the table 

Aunt "Yaaa .. I gave this to eat not to keep it on the table"

"Its OK .. I'll eat it later .." i tried to convince her 

Aunt "Just eat it now & let me know how is it !!" she kept insisting 

Ughh !!! Serious this woman ... I better eat it or else she's not going to move from here

Owww.. I just pity my stomach ... Rest in peace 

I took a bite of the what she named as cookie 

Worse as i expected ...!!! 

Aunt "How is it ..??" 

I tried hard not to show show my feelings through my face "You're the best ..!!!"  

Aunt "Chincha ..?? Have some more .." 

Wae ..!!! I CAN'T .. But now i have no other go 

I took another one & tried to gulp it down without trying to get the taste of it

It's harder than i thought .. With so much effort i completed the second one

Before she ask me take another one "Its enough for today ... Actually i'm on a diet.. i have to burn more calories .." 

Aunt "Owww !!! I see ... then give it to my sister .. she'll love it .."

Yeah my mom is the only person who eat's all these without a single complaint not because she loves the food .. because she loves her sister ..  

Finally she grabbed her bag & stood-up 

"Are you leaving soo soon !!" i asked trying to hide the excitement in my tone 

Aunt "Yes dear .. i have to give some cookies to your uncle .."

Wooahh !!! What a relief .. i went near the door to send her off 

I waved & waited near the door until her car disappeared out of my sight 

I don't want to waste a single moment anymore. I run hastily through the steps & opened the door unmindful that there is a boy inside 

Sehun stood there reading something, I tried to see what is that  

Its my personal diary 

I rushed to him & grabbed it from his hand "Dont you dare to sneak in my privacy" 

Sehun "But you asked me to whatever i want to .."

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