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EunHa's POV 

"I am absolutely unhappy to see you both dating !!!" Baek sunbae outraged. Sehun & Jiyeon stood still. They didn't seem to be much affected by his temper 

"Wae Hyung ?" Sehun asked maintaining his cool attitude 

Seriously !! Why does he demand it from Baek sunbae's mouth though he already know the answer. He is making the situation even worse !! Baekhyun shoot a deathly glare at him & i could say his eyes spoke more than enough 

"We all are friends aren't we ? I hope you guys didn't forget that" He said clenching his fist tight & i hold his arm trying to calm him but that didn't work out 

"Both of you, do you ever care about us ? I think its always me & her who keeps thinking about you people all the time" he pointed at me & i bent down unable to face them. I could sense that everyone were waiting for me to speak 

"Yeah ! He is right. I totally agree with sunbae" i finally spoke up 

"So ! You both don't want us to date isn't" Sehun suddenly boiled up 

"Its not like that Sehun. What bothers us is, why didn't you just say a word to us about this. Are we least important that you didn't even consider us ?" i tried to make my point clear & looked at Jiyeon whom i am mentioning to primarily, but then she had such a cool expression in her face 

Why does it feel fishy ? 

Am i looking like a joker or did i ever mention that i'm joking ?

"We are highly offended & just can't take things so easily" Baek sunbae added 

"So you want us to ask your permission for each and everything we do. And by that you want to prove your superiority over us. Is that it ?" Sehun asked 

What is he upto ? Why is he speaking so irrelevant  

"Sehun why are you complicating it to that extent ? Just try to understand us first, instead you are keen about proving that we are wrong. First lend your ears for a minute" I said. To that i heard a cackle but the atmosphere was so heated up that i didn't bother to see who is it 

"So now you are saying that we are selfish & full of ourselves !!"  That jerk said & Baekhyun sunbae suddenly grabbed his collar 

OMG ! What's happening here ?

I tried to loosen his grip "Please stop fighting !" i pleaded 

Baekhyun sunbae pushed him away & tried to calm himself 

"Sehun why are you not understanding ?" i yelled at him, not in anger but i was so much worried. I didn't want our friendship to ruin because of this 

"Try to be a bit open minded. We are not asking you to get 'our permission'. Its your life & absolutely you don't need anyones permission to decide. But what i meant is why don't you share things with us ?? That is the mark of our friendship" 

"Do you know there's a huge difference between sharing & asking permission. I hope you are clear about it !!!" I said sternly 

In my peripheral vision i could see Jiyeon controlling her laughter 

 Strange !!!   

"Please stop fighting over this issue. I don't want us to separate because of this" 

Only then i realized that i was the only one talking. Baek sunbae stood beside me shooting daggers at them. While Sehun & Jiyeon whom i'm talking to didn't seem to feel the seriousness over this issue 

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