"Yeah, we needed more room." I moved towards the small hall that led to my bedroom. "I need to get dressed." I quickly moved throughout the bedroom looking for something that I could wear. I finally found a pair of exercise shorts buried in the bottom of the closet and pulled on a tank top. Dad was right where I left him.

"You look just like your mother." That stopped me in my tracks. "You looked like her when you ran away but now you're…" He rubbed his hands together and looked at the ground. I could tell he was trying really hard not to start a fight but he didn't know what topics could set me off. I took a deep breath and moved to sit next to him, angling my body to face him.

"Thanks." I tried to make is sound sincere, I don't want to fight either and I really wanted him to understand that.

"So where's this Shawn guy?" He leaned back into the couch.

"Spencer is at work."

"On a Sunday?"

"He's out of town." He nodded like it made more sense to him then anything else.

"So what does he do exactly? I didn't get a chance to ask last time I was here." He was back to looking like his normal self, more like the person that had raised me. The person that looked at everything though the eyes as a drill Sargent.

"He works with the FBI as a profiler. He started in the field a little over a month ago."

"FBI?" He sounded impressed but I knew that wouldn't last very long. Spencer's everything that my father isn't, he has a hard enough time shooting a gun and any kind of physical work is really difficult for him. The only thing that I feel they would have in common is Poker. Spencer has been kicked out of few casinos for card counting and dad's the one who taught me how hustle. "Does he know anything about the supernatural?"

"He doesn't know that they exist in real life but he knows a lot of lore. Spencer's very much into science and facts that have been proven without a shadow of doubt. I think he would have a hard time wrapping his mind around monsters unless he came to them face to face." I shrugged, "Not to mention I don't want him to have to worry about things like that." He seemed to think about that for a second.

"I lost track of you in Vegas, you just dropped off the map. At the time I didn't know weather to be pissed or proud." He let out a dry laugh. "I didn't understand why you ran, I thought maybe some monster was making you or I don't even know. I never thought about you wanting a normal life. I guess I didn't know you as well as I thought I did." Okay, this man is not my father. I think this is most touchy-feely he's ever gotten with me. I wasn't sure how to handle the situation so I asked the question I've been thinking of since he I knew it was him on the other side of the door.

"Why are you here Dad?" I did my best not to make the question sound mean, we've been doing good so far. "I mean, I didn't you'd be coming back anytime soon after last time."

"I brought the box here." He said.

"Yeah but I wasn't home, you didn't have to see me to drop it off, and Spencer was really ticked about that." I laughed at the memory of his face as he paced out little abode.

"Well he's gonna have to get over that. I highly doubt your bother will care." We both shared a laugh and for that one second the conversation wasn't awkward, at least not in the way that it had before. "Anyway." He rubbed his hands together, "I just wanted to check up on ya." I felt myself frown and I thought about it for a second. The thought of him just checking up on me sounded weird in my own head.

"So you just came to make sure that I was still alive?" He nodded and I shrugged and decided to make the best of it so I did what us Winchesters do best, I ignored the elephant in the room and he did the same. We both sat in silence for a few minuets before he started speaking again.

"When you opened the door you said that you hadn't been sleeping well, what did you mean?" I scratched the back of my head and leaned into the pillows. I didn't want to talk about this with him, sure he might be the only one that I can really talk to that would understand it. He was there too, but I felt like if I talked about it then it would happen for real. That right now it's just a really bad dream, but words have power and I don't want that power coming at me. My face must not have been pretty because his suddenly became very serious. It was that look that said he already assumed the worst and I better just come out and say it. There's only a few time that I've ever really seen him like this, one of them had been the time I was almost killed by the first werewolf, the one that made me want to run away. "Addison..." Unlike Spencer everyone in my family, except for Sam but he was a kid when I left, really pushed things. It might have been like that because we all shared such small spaces or we just wanted to know everything, even the stuff that might not be our business.

"I've been having nightmares." I decided to just come out and say it, Spencer did say that talking to someone would make me feel better, lets see if he's right.

"You've been having nightmares since you were ten." He said it coldly, like he was just pointing out the facts.

"Yeah...but these are worst." I grabbed the pillow out from behind me and pulled it into my lap as the scene played over in my mind. "They're about Mom." I looked up to meet his eyes and saw the emotion pool into his eyes, he only ever looked like that when talking about mom. I remember Dean telling me not to ask about her when I was a kid because it made Dad upset.

"What about mom." He asked after a few seconds.

"That instead of her dying…I'm dying." I licked my lips and hugged the cushion closer. Dad thought about it without saying anything. Just as he opened his mouth to talk the front door opened.

"What's going on?"

Addison Winchester (Now Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें