
"Taylor wakey wakey" the deep voice of my best friend rang in my head and I groaned. I rolled over and stuffed my head under my pillow as he proceeded to poke me in the side. I peeked out and saw him holding a glass of water and a couple pills out to me and I rolled my eyes at him before downing them both.

Instead of doing the smart thing and speaking with words I decided to motion him towards my curtains so he would shut them before propping myself up onto my elbow.

"Are you better now?" He asked with a light chuckle in the newly dark room and I shrugged.

"What English not your thing?" He proceeded to speak and I threw a pillow at him making him laugh as he caught it perfectly.

"So you have fun last night?" He questioned and I rolled my eyes in response. "If you don't speak I will tickle you." He threatened and my eyes widened.

"Okay. Okay, you win!" I huffed out quietly and he laughed. "Crap I still gotta work today" I muttered and laid back down. He scooted towards me and laid down beside me after pushing me from the middle of the bed, and off to the side.

"Sucks for you!" He quipped and laughed quietly. I; of course, smacked him in reply.

After laying in bed for nearly another hour I finally kicked Luke out of my bed which was as good as I was getting. I rolled out of bed and landed on top of him on the floor making me laugh in victory when he groaned in pain.

I hopped up and trudged to my bathroom to take a shower and change out of this dress. I noticed my discarded shoes laying by my door and I chuckled thinking of Luke having to realize that half of the buckles and zippers are just for show after trying to undo them all.

Once my shower was finished I had assumed Luke would have moved from my floor but nope. After wrapping my towel around my body I opened the door and glared at him as he remained in the same place on the floor, just sitting on his phone. I walked into my closet as he cheekily smiled at me and shut the door.

"Fighting or racing? Fighting or racing..." I pondered to myself as I peeled on a pair of blue ripped jeans, a simple black T-shirt with the front laced up, and some black combat boots with the addition of a flannel around my waist.

Not exactally the drug dealer type outfit but that's the point isn't it?

I laced up my boots and did my normal hair and makeup routine before throwing a beanie over my hair and grabbing my phone.

Exiting my closet I kicked Luke's thigh in a not so soft way and he whined a bit before finally exiting my room. Lastly I grabbed my keys and a small black bag before I walked down stairs.

"So I finally get you to leave my room and now you've absconded of my couch? How rude." I joked with a laugh and he some how was miraculously dressed and ready for the day.

"Hey! When did you do that?" I questioned while pointing accusingly at him and he just winked in reply.

"So where are we going?" He asked as he followed me out the door.

"Well I gotta work" I replied as I walked to my newest car that he had parked in the drive way.

"Well I've decided that it's bring your best friend to work day" he exclaimed with a smirk and I laughed

"Yes, because that's a thing." I sarcastically said and he laughed. "Luke you might not exactly like my work. You'll have to stay in the car." I warn him and he shrugs and hops in as I unlock the car.

When I pulled up to Dimitri's house I just walked right in. He had been my boss for the past few years and I was happy to convince him to move his business here.

"Ah T that better be you!" He yelled from the kitchen and I walked in and smiled.

"It is! It is! No need to attack D." I sarcastically quipped and he smiled and hugged me. "D this is my friend Luke. Luke, Dimitri." I introduced and Dimitri shook his hand.

"Do not hurt my little trouble maker or you will regret it boy." Dimitri threatened Luke and I laughed.

"You got my supply for the day?" I asked, taking a grape from the bowl in front of me as I placed myself at the counter. He turned around and opened the top cabinet above his sink and I laughed. "Oh great storage place" the sarcasm dripped from my voice and his deep laugh filled the room.

I noticed Luke questioningly staring at the black bag Dimitri handed me and I sighed.

"I told you you weren't gonna like my work." I said to him and Dimitri raised a brow.

"Taylor what is your job exactally?" He asked and I sighed and opened the bag Dimitri had handed me.

"I sell some drugs in bulk, you know for parties or when someone needs a big supply." I explained and his eyes widened.

"Oh." He replied and me and Dimitri's eyes widened. After a couple seconds of awkward silence Dimitri completely died of laughter. The kind of laughter that you can tell hurts. He was laughing so hard he was literally bending over, hands on his knees, sputtering out obnoxious choking laughter. I didn't know what to say in response to this either so I just started laughing too and Luke followed suit.

I didn't know why we were laughing so much but I knew I couldn't stop. I'm fairly certain we laughed for at least five minutes because my stomach was in complete pain.

"So you sell drugs?" Luke said bluntly. I couldn't tell if it was a question or a statement so I just kinda nodded in response.

"Are you gonna kill me or are you alright there?" I joke lightly and he chuckled.

"Did you think I would murder you Taylor?" He exclaimed in fake shock and I laughed shaking my head.

"Well its been a while I didn't know where you would stand okay!" I explained and he chuckled.

"Well calm down and let's go." He said and I laughed then realized Dimitri was watching us like a TV show.

"You two are funny to watch." He quipped and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm glad we entertain you." I replied sarcastically and he replied with just as much sarcasm.

"Why thank you for caring about my entertainment. Now get to work piccolo demone!" He ordered and I laughed.

"Okay I failed Italian but did you just call her a little demon?" Luke asked with amusement in his voice and D nodded with a grin making Luke chuckle.

"Oh shut up let's go" I snapped at Luke and Dimitri laughed as he obeyed my command and followed me out the door.

"Little demon... That's cute." Luke quietly nagged me and I smiled as I smacked him upside the head.

Im Back BitchesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora