When the circus came to town -H2OChaos-

Start from the beginning

Chilled Blushes harshly then looks at me as I laugh loudly.

"Shut up Ze you know that not how that phrase goes."

"Well thats how you seem to be taking it." He winks.

"Shut up and get me two cones" Chilled asserts.

"Okay.Okay. I'll get you your cones." He walks back into the tent, coming out a few minutes later holding what chilled asked for.

"Heres the cash,"

"Dont worry about it," Ze says.

"Thanks ma-"

"Just tell me how he is later tonight." He says before walking away.

"ZE!" I let go of his hands

I laugh. Chilled looks at me.

"Hes funny?"

"He reminds me of all of my friends." I say cackling.

He pulls his phone out and types away on it.

"Wha-What are you doing? Haha" I say between wheezes.

"Nothin' A friend had texted me is all." he smiles

"Okay." I calm down from my laughing. "So whats next?"

"Fun House?"

"You guys have one of those?!?"

"Yes, yes we do. Let me show you."  He takes my hand back and leads me to a large building.

"Why arent there any people here?"

"Its technically not open to the public yet."

"Why are we here then? If its not open?"

"Because, the cute ones always get special treatment."

I smile. "Thank you."

"blue key is for the front" He says handing me his key chain with a few keys on it "Im going to turn the power on for us."


I walk up the stairs and look for the key on the chain, finaly finding the one i need.

"It's so dark in here" I say to myself.

"It's not that bad." I hear a voice come from behind me that ive never heard.

"Oh my god you scared me."

"Hmm, funny. just wait."

"What?" theres a rustling sound around me like someone is walking around me. "Are you walking around?"

The lights shine on and i come face to face? with some kind of frog man hybrid thing. "AHH! WHAT THE HELL?!"  i quickly back away and stast to run but im stopped when someone cathces me. "LET ME GO!"

"DELIRIOUS! Calm down its me, Chilled."

"Well run the monster is going to get us." I try to run again but chilled stops me again.

"Calm down delirious," he says gigling like a little girl. "This is Aphex." He says gesturing toward the frog man. "He works with the freakshow."

"Hi." he says.


"Ask your date over there."

"Really chilled?"

Now hes just laughing harder than he has all day. "Yes.Really."

"Happy Chilled? I scared him."

"Yea im happy."

"Okay good. Now im going to get back to practicing my routine."

"Okay see ya later then."


Once he leaves i look at chilled. "I hate you."

"no you don't"

"What makes you say that?"

"Im too cute."

I don't say anything back, walking past him deeper into the duilding of mirrors, looking at the differnt reflections. Laughing.

"You know you're cute when you smile."

"I know."

"Im glad you do."

He pulls me close staring into my eyes. I stare back and we meet in a deep kiss.

A/N Hey so underrated ship because I really like the idea of these two being together. If you want to thank someone for having this published thank my Lang' teacher because he kind of made this happen.

Anyway see you next time

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