Chapter 6 I Meet Some New Friends

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Keely's POV

After about 5 hours of practicing. (Not even exaggerating) I was done with my sword play with Annabeth and Percy. I think I really improved after a while of grueling and sweaty practice. I still was not the best swordsman, but Percy and Annabeth seem to think I am doing well. I look at my watch. Its almost 6:00. So I decide to look around camp for a while. As I was walking back from the sword place, I crossed the volleyball court to see about 10 targets all lined up in near horizontal rows that over looked and entrance into the deep and immense Forrest behind. I walked closer and hear somebody yelling,

"AIM! FIRE!!!!!!!!!" Then on cue I heard a loud chorus of whooshes and looked at the targets. I recognize that sound anywhere. It's the sound of a arrow hitting the tough canvas of a target. As I looked at the kids, I noticed them all to be kids of Apollo. I have heard some less than complementary things about these guys, and it appears that our 'parents' never got along the best. Almost all the arrows hit the bullseye except for a few that hit the red. Immediately the leader (as I guessed) walked over to the two poor guys who hit the red.

"Do you think this is funny, Jared?!" The blonde haired, blue eyed boy screamed. The poor dark brown haired boy with icy blue eyes stopped laughing at his bad aim. His eyes turned even more icy somehow.

"Sorry not all of us have as good as aim as you, Liam." He said sarcastically. I felt bad for him, but walked past them anyway.

"What do you think you are doing?" Liam, as I assumed asked me.

"Umm, walking?" I say turning around confused.

"Yeah, right in front of MY targets." He says like the jerk he is putting the emphasis on my.

"Well I thought you were to busy yelling at your cabin mates than to notice me going through." I said fake sweetly. Then I added, "Oh, and I'm pretty sure you don't own these targets either." Jared looked amused at this, and looked at Liam, as if waiting for his reaction. Liam looked like he was going to blow a casket. His normally tanned face turned a bright color red, and he looked embarrassed.

"You idiot! I bet you can't even pull back a bow!" He said stupidly at me. And I said stupidly, because if you know anything about me it's that I don't take offense lightly. I slowly turned around with a amused expression on my face.

"Bet she can shoot better that you Liam." Jared said obviously wanting to make Liam mad. Well, it defiantly worked. I studied Jared a bit closer after that. Noticing that while he was making fun of Liam there was something hidden and clouded over in his expression like he was hiding something.

"Oh, so you think you could do better than me?" Liam yelled whilst glaring at me. I smirked, and pretended to think a while and then proceeded to shake my head.

"Then its settled!" He said glaring at me. "We shall have a shoot off tomorrow at noon, to see who's better!" Liam said smug. I was honestly taken aback. Do people challenge others to shoot offs or duels often here? "Unless of course you would want to back out instead." He said looking mockingly concerned.

"Nope! I'll be there!" I said acting more confident than I really was.

"Apollo cabin, OUT!" He said commanding them to leave the target area. I probably should have practiced shooting for tomorrow, but I didn't feel like it so I began to walk over to the lake. I kicked rocks with my sneakers as I went along. It made me angry how being a demigod was just sprung onto me like this. Why couldn't I have a choice?

Just then I realized I had arrived. I took a seat on the sand and looked at the sky. The sun was slowly descending out of view. I stared in awe as it sent beautiful pink, and purple hues into the sky. Then I could suddenly feel the goosebumps that slowly spread across my skin. It was pretty chilly. I should probably go back soon. A rustling noise came probably about 10 yards behinds me. Some one was trying to sneak up on me, and was frankly, not doing such a great job. The sound got closer until he/she was probably 5 yards behind me. Time to make my move.

I slowly and inconspicuously grab my engraved knife out of my book. Then I decide to make my move and quickly jump up and spin around tackling my assaulter to the ground and pressing the knife to his throat. I then looked at his face and I realized that I knew him. His dark hair, and icy blue eyes were recognizable. Jared.

"Jared! What the heck!" I say removing my knife from his neck allowing him to breathe easier. "What are you doing sneaking up on me! I almost killed you!" I scolded him.

"Well sorry I didn't know you were a ninja!" He said defending himself. Then after a few second  for both of us to let our adrenaline calm down, and it looked like he composed himself again. "Look, sorry for sneaking up, I just came to apologize about my brother. He is a jerk, and a idiot. If you don't want to challenge him you don't have to. I'm sorry for putting you on the spot earlier" Jared said scratching his neck.

"Oh, it's no problem, I'll just show up, beat him, and have time to hang out later." I said confidently. (Wether that was real confidence Jared didn't need to know) He looked amused again, but this time at me. Indignation filled my insides and I immediately knew what I wanted to do.

"Liam may be a jerk, but he has good aim, and is a son of Apollo." Jared said warning me again.

"Yeah I noticed, but," I said pausing to point to myself, "I'm a daughter of Artemis." I was hesitant to tell Jared this not-so-secret thing about me but eventually decided that I would because of how I felt about him so far.

"Oh! That was you last night? I thought you were new, but wasn't for sure. How does that wo-" Jared was about to finish, but I cut him off with a sigh.

"Look, I have been asked how I am a daughter of Artemis all day, and honestly I'm getting tired of it. No offense, but maybe later we can talk." I said trying not to sound really mean to Jared. He looked like he understood.

"See you at the campfire." Jared said walking away. I watched his shaggy haired and lanky frame disappear into the fleeting light that was left in the sky towards camp. I started the long and cold trek back to my cabin, when I heard in the distance Jared say something else too. "Oh, and good luck tomorrow, Keely!" I smiled sadly, I was probably going to need it.

I have currently been redoing all these chapter bc they are cringe, just so y'all know. Bye hunters! 🎯 -Cat December 31, 2018

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