Chapter 2: My First Battle

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Keely's POV
Even though I was new to this whole 'Demigod' thing, I did know one thing, we had to go out and fight whatever it was. I was somewhat ready. Although I was still extremely confused.

"Here, take this," Percy says throwing me a sword. I luckily catch it and realize it is WAY to light. It feels like either a wooden sword or a child's toy sword. 

"Really dude this thing weighs like -10 pounds?" Percy then laughs a bit and just shrugs. I take a closer look at the sword and realize that it probably won't do too much damage. It looks like the sword that I will be using hasn't been sharpened in years, and is a tad rusty around the edges. Percy takes out his own wicked blade, Annabeth takes out a small, but a sharp dagger, Abree a huge, heavy-looking hammer, and Sophia also a sharp, polished sword. I feel jealous of their nice weapons, compared to my rust-bucket of a sword.

"GO!" Percy yells at us all and the group of four-run out to fight what looks like, from my little knowledge of Greek mythology, to be a huge Drakon.

"Oh god!" I scream as I run in the opposite direction of the giant hulking monster, but Annabeth catches the back of my shirt in her fist and drags me along with the others. Why are we going towards the beast again? I think I might have missed something.

"Gods." Annabeth corrects me while she and Percy charge at it with Abree and Sophia. Not knowing what to do I stick behind Annabeth (using her as a human shield) as the others stab at the kinks in the scales of the creature. After figuring out this was going no where I had an idea.  

"Get it to open its mouth!" I yell over the commotion. Then I whisper something into Annabeth's ear. She smiles and nods her head.

"Uh, OK?" Percy shouts confused. I look over to Annabeth who is positioning her dagger to throw, concentrating hard on the monster ahead of her. Somehow Percy, Abree, and Sophia get the creature to open its mouth and howl in pain. Whoosh. Annabeth throws the dagger. It feels like everything is in slow motion. Everybody is watching the dagger fly toward the monster's open mouth. Slplunk. It hits true. Or more specifically the monster right in the throat. The monster let out a howl of pain before it disappears. Or so I thought. About a second later I realized a deep red snakeskin jacket was left on the ground in its place.

Everyone cheers in excitement at the now gone monster. 

"Way to go Annabeth! You've got awesome aim!" Percy says happily, smooching Annabeth and handing her the jacket.

"Yeah I guess, but Keely actually had the idea of getting the monster to open its mouth, and for me to throw the dagger into it!" Annabeth replied motioning to me. Percy and the others looked surprisingly over at me.

"Wow! You are really clever! I bet you are a child of Athena." Sophia said looking me up and down. I recognized the name from Greek mythology as one of the Goddesses. I think of wisdom or something. She means to say that she could be my mom?

"Welp, then here," Percy says handing me the jacket instead.

"What? No, Annabeth killed it!" I say trying to reason with them. "She should keep it."

"No, you had the idea Keely, Annabeth couldn't have killed it without your strategy! Therefore you must take it!" Percy says explaining to me.

"Umm, OK." I say grabbing it from his hands and putting it on. I really just agreed to it because 1, I wanted to avoid confrontation as much as possible, and 2, It was really cute. And also somehow the perfect fit. 

"So, in case you ever do need to fight," Annabeth asks me foreboadingly, "do you know how to defend yourself?"

"Oh, well actually my dad had me take self-defense classes, and the also taught how to throw knives. Here come at me." I say motioning to Percy. Percy comes at me with a gentle grab to my wrist. He must be trying not to hurt me too bad, but instead of him grabbing me, I move my hand at the last second and grab his forearm and hand, and judo flip him over my back. He falls to the ground and moans grabbing his back. Annabeth looks at me with awe and friendship. She even has tears in her eyes. 

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