Chapter 3: An Unwanted Suprise

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Keely's POV

"OK, so how does this work?" I ask a hungry Annabeth, who is currently shoving food in her mouth.

"Mrph?" Annabeth replies obviously more interested in her food than me.

"How do I get my FOOD?!" I ask getting somewhat upset.

"Oh, yeah. I forget your new here." She said sheepishly, "You just think of what food and drink you want and it will appear in front of you." Annabeth says followed by her again eating. Or more like shoving food in her face. Skeptical I close my eyes and wish for something I have been wanting all day. Chicken nuggets and fries. (don't judge) Then BOOM! It appears magically right in front of my face.

"Whaa?!" I say aloud internally flipping out. I could definitely get used to this. Annabeth looks at me across the table smiling. Luckily Chiron let Annabeth and I sit together at the Athena table. Usually, different campers from different cabins can't sit together, but since I am probably an Athena kid, he let me. Maybe also because I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm about to eat a chicken nugget when Annabeth slaps it out of my hand. I watch in slow motion as my poor chicken nugget falls off the table and onto the floor.

"What the heck Annabeth," I said pouting. "You slapped my nug!"

"You can't eat it until you sacrifice some to the gods." She says pointing to a small fire altar in the wall next to me.

"Well you could have told me earlier!" I said loudly. "Before you brutally murdered my nug," I say a bit softer. Annabeth shrugs. I roll my eyes and scrape some of my food into the fire. "This is for you mom." I say looking at the fire. "Whoever you are." I say quietly. The rest of dinner is quiet. I finish my food in silence.

"So you ready for the campfire?" Annabeth asks me. I almost forgot about that part of camp. I'm always down for a bonfire.

"Oh is that what we do after dinner?" I ask her. Annabeth nods. "OK, then just let me change quick, it's getting really cold out," I say shivering a bit.

"OK, you can change in the bathrooms over there," Annabeth says pointing to the bathrooms, "and your clothes and other belongings should be in the Hermes cabin. That's where the campers stay before they get claimed." I thank her and pick up my clothes from the Hermes cabin. Then I run to the bathrooms hoping I don't miss anything. I get into a stall and quickly change into some black leggings, a grey top, my white low top converse, and my red jacket. I quickly put my knife in my long socks under my leggings. Hey, who knows! Since I'm apparently a demigod now, I might need it.

As I'm walking out I glimpse in the mirror, my blond hair is a bit dirty from the fight earlier so I pull it back into a messy bun with some blonde locks falling out framing my face. Then I look at my eyes closely. They look dark blue at the moment, but sometimes they turn grey. I run out quickly and meet Annabeth, Percy, Sophia, Abree and a few other campers I recognize at the campfire. When I get there the Apollo cabin has already started the sing-along. 

"Hey, Keely! Sit with us!" Piper says motioning me to sit with her, Annabeth, Abree, Sophia, Something, maybe a nymph?, Percy, A buff blonde dude, a small Mexican looking kid who was smirking at me (A/N McSchnizzle!), and a small goth/emo looking kid. I look at the people somewhat nervously. I have never been the best at making friends. We sat on what looked like a stereotypical log that was right in front of the roaring fire that was in the middle of all the seats.

"Oh, how rude of me!" Piper exclaimed. "These are our friends!"She said motioning to all the people who I didn't recognize sitting with my new friends. Piper looked at the people if to say 'introduce your selves!'

"I'm Jason, Piper's boyfriend!" The buff blonde dude says kindly wrapping his arm around Piper's waist. 

"I'm Jordan!" A sweet melodic voice says. Then I realize its the nymph! She looks like she is a good friend of Abree and Sophia. Maybe they went on a quest a while ago.

"I'm Nico." The goth kid says in a small sad voice. I give him a sad smile, and he returns it grimacing a bit. I think I saw him earlier with his boyfriend Will. They are really cute together. As if he was summoned but I, an Apollo kid with bright blonde hair and baby blue eyes wrapped his arm around Nico making him truly smile.

"They obviously saved the best for last." The Mexican boy says winking at me. I internally shiver. "I'm Leo, but you can call me whatever you want." He says taking a step towards me, obviously trying to flirt.

"Oh, I know exactly what to call you! You little..." I get cut off by Annabeth who whispers, 

"You will only feed into it." I nod and stop talking. Leo seems to think he has won and walks off. That's when I realize the Apollo kids are singing really stupid songs. They are literally singing 'little bunny foo foo'. I roll my eyes. I haven't heard this since 2nd-grade bible camp, I think. Kill me now. I think sourly.

"This is getting boring," I say, as all my friends nod. I was looking into the warm, roaring fire when I heard a loud gasp. I look over at Jordan who gasped. It looks like she has a green glow cast on her face. I was wondering if she was feeling ok when I realized the glow is coming from on top of my head! I look up and see a green wolf hovering over my head. 

Chiron doesn't even look as he says "All hail Keely Rose daughter of Ath- Artemis?!?" Chiron says looking at the sign above my head at the end. Gasps erupt everywhere now. People look at me. Some with confused looks, others with hate, some with jealousy, and even some with sadness. 

"How is that possible?" One voice asks.

"Isn't Artemis a maiden goddess? One who can't have kids?" Another voice asks. People everywhere ask similar questions. Everyone caring more about the news than me. No one even thinks to say, "Wow congrats on getting claimed." Or, "that's awesome Keely." I was excited to be finally claimed but at the same time, I couldn't take how everyone reacted.

 Before I can realize what I'm doing I run. Run far away. Deep into the woods next to the camp. The ones we aren't supposed to go into. I guess now I know what it feels like to be claimed. Lucky me. I think dryly. I hear a rustling noise in front of me. Immediately my instincts kick in. I draw my dagger out of my sock. Before I can say a word or do anything a lone wolf appears in front of me cautiously. It had all black fur, except a silver tuff on its chest. Its eyes were a bright, bright blue. It doesn't look at me with malice or anger, but peace, even happiness. 

Wow, a Daughter of Artemis! Lucky me! Hello, my name is Magic, and I'm in trouble. Oh. My. Gosh. The wolf talked to me. I remembered Artemis's special animals were wolves and deer, but I would have never thought that I would be able to understand wolves, now that I am apparently her daughter!

"Why are you in trouble?" I said calmly even though I was freaking out on the inside. Well... Magic started, but suddenly there was a loud rustling noise that came from the bushed to the right of Magic.

 "Watch out-" I began to yell to the lone wolf but I was too late. Out of nowhere, something tackled Magic to the ground. I couldn't see too well because of the darkness of the forest, but then I saw it! It was a huge hulking...


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