I laugh ''He didn't say that.''

''No. but he wanted to,'' she grins and looks back at the her creation ''Well, what do you think?'' she throw her hands toward the party in a grand gesture.

I take a look around the backyard and boy, did Noelle knew how to throw a party. There was a merry go round in the middle of the backyard lightening the whole place, two bouncy castle one for the kids and one for our inner childs. A small roller coaster sat on the side and small boots with various games and on the left side away from everything were the table and grills where men were flipping the burgers and hot dogs.

All in all the party was like a mini carnival.

''Noelle, this is..'' I open my mouth to say but shut up completely when my eyes land on something. A Ferris wheel?!? ''A freaking Ferris wheel?!?'' I gasp in astonishment and look at her with wide eyes '' How did you managed to pull that out?'' 

Throwing her head back, she laughs ''Trust me, darling, Having your husband as third in command have its many privileges'' winking, she hands me a icy pomegranate juice from the refreshment table and lead me toward a table with a blonde woman feeding her infant wrapped in a blue blanket.

The woman looks up from her sleeping baby when we join her at the table and smile kindly at us ''Mariah this is Jordan, Jordan, Mariah''Noelle introduce us distractedly and rubs the back of her index finger on the infants chubby cheek.

''I know who she is, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Luna'' 

''The pleasure is all mine'' I smile at her but my eyes fall on the baby and my heart melts at his innocent face.

One day we will also hold our bundle of joy like that My wolf sighs.

''Do you want to hold him?'' Mariah asks, when she notice me looking at her baby wistfully.

''Uh..I don't know how to...'' shaking my head, I hesitate for a second.

''This way,'' taking a hold of my hand, She places my one hand on baby's back and the other under his head.

''Like this?''I ask nervously and bring him closer to my chest, afraid that I will drop him.

''Yeah, just like that'' she grins and nods.

I look down at the baby and feel my heart warm at his pink cheeks and pouty lips, and long blonde lashes. He looked so fragile and so innocent ''He is beautiful,'' I whisper and rub the tip of my thumb on his cheek and nose ''What's his name?'' I look at Mariah questioningly. 

''Thank you, his name is Louise,'' she looks down at her baby with adoration and love and lightly combs his hair to the side with her fingers ''How far along are you?'' 

''Seven months'' I say proudly.

''Aww you have two more months. We can't wait to meet our future Alpha!''she gushes. 

I chuckle and look down at the baby ''I can't wait either.''

''Ahh, this makes me want to have another baby, ''Noelle pouts making us laugh.

We talk for a while and I hang on to everything she says baby related, restoring each important tips in my head. before she excuse herself to change Louise's diaper.

''Move out of the way you, little booger.'' A grumpy voice cuts our conversation, Me and Noelle look up at the same time to see Jade glare at a boy no older than eight and make her way toward us.

''Jade!''Noelle gasps in horrification when she reaches us ''Don't be rude and You can't wear that to a kids party!''

Confused, I take a look Jade's clothes. She was in her usual element with black jeans, black boots, leather jacket and choker around her neck but it was her white t-shirt that took the cake. It said in bold letters  'I work harder than an ugly stripper'

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