~Chapter Twenty-Two~

Start from the beginning

        "Let's go." Mack say, already working on heading up towards where everything's setup.

         As we enter the crowds, I stay close to Mack. My eyes repeatedly scanning the busy path.

         Mack breaks me from my staring trance when he suddenly lays a hand on my arm. I look over at him. "Relax, Alex." He says while still walking.

        I hadn't even realized I'd been so tense.

        Relaxing my shoulders, I give him a small smile.

         I really don't know what came over me yesterday. Telling Mack I have PTSD of all things. But like I said, I felt like I owed him an explanation after everything odd he's seen me do.

       Even if it doesn't even scratch the surface.

       I'm glad I told him though. I feel like we're closer in a way...almost like I can trust him.

       "Come on, we're supposed to meet Polly over at the Farris Wheel." Mack's voice brings me back to the present. I follow him as he heads down another crowded row of stalls.

         Oh yes, this mysterious Polly I keep hearing so much about.

         Following behind a rather....slow Mack, we head towards the Farris Wheel which you can see in the distance.

        I look up at it.

        My gaze snaps back down to Mack as he almost falls down, someone unbalancing him when they bumped into him. "Hey, watch where your going!" Mack shouts at the retreating back of the person who hit him.

       He straightens himself. "Stinking crowds." He grumbles.

       He looks back at me. "Come on. I know a....less crowded way." He smirks.

        I follow him as he heads around a corner, him seeming to be going in the direction of the outskirts of the fair.

       After going through yet another row of stalls, we end up on the other side.

      The good thing; it's completely deserted of people.

       The bad thing; it's right beside the river that runs next to the town.

        About thirty feet away, is the start of a little sandy beach that leads into a large river.

       A big. Dark. Full of water. River.

      My chest tightens, my lungs squeezing until it feels like I can't breath.

      Relax. Breath. It's like forty feet away, and we're not actually going over there.

       I manage to control myself.

       Still following Mack, I completely ignore the big body of water that's next to me. I busy myself with listening to Mack.

       "I discovered this little secret road probably around three years ago." Mack explains. "Makes it a lot easier to get around."

       Yeah, If you don't mind water.

       After walking a couple minutes, Mack turns left so we're going back inside the rows of stalls, the crowds returning.

       After another minute, we're walking up to the Farris Wheel

      Guess that shortcut really does work.

      With a puzzled expression on his face, Mack looks around. "She should be here by now." He mumbles, turning in circles.

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