*Time skip*

Making it to the third music room i realise something i should have picked up ages ago, since im protecting tamaki suoh im in all his classes and i haven't seen him all day. BIG rookie mistake at this thought i start worrying what if I've failed my first assignment.
Suddenly the door I have been leaning on this whole time opens and i start to fall.

Catching myself I also find that someone tried to catch me first.
Feeling a hand around me waist I look up to find one of the hitachiin twins.

"Are you ok," he asks with a concerned look. By simply those three words and how he acted i could tell it was kouru.

"Um yeah im fine thank you for catching me," I  say as I step away from him and glance behind him to find his twin hikaru looking at me with a smirk.

"Hey haven't I seen you before?" Kouru asks as hikarus smirk turns evil. Before I can answer hikaru confirms kourus suspicion.

"Hey kouru she's the one that came looking for tamaki senpai this morning."

"Oh I remember," kouru smirks,

"welcome to the ouran host club we're the hitachiin twins,hikaru-," he says while wrapping a hand around my shoulders.

"And kouru," his twin finishes and copies his brother.

"Um hello I'm kana," I reply while trying to gently get out of his grip.

"Why are you trying to leave?" Hikaru asks.

"Look if you dont let me go I wont be the only thing leaving you," I whisper gesturing to there downstairs. With a obvious swallow the both let me go and i give them a sweet smile before turning around and walking into the room.

The first person i see as i walk in is my brother talking to tamaki. Wait so tamiki's been at school this whole time why wasn't he in class with me? Now im slightly annoyed. Just as im about to speak up haruhi does.

"Hey are you a new customer?" She asks me and also catches attention of tamaki, kyoya, honey and mori.

"Customer?" I ask with a confused look. Wait did they think I was here to pay for their attention.

"Oh princess I have been waiting for someone with your beauty to walk through the door and capture my heart, now do tell which one would you like?" Tamaki asks while dramatically walking up to me and holding my waist lightly.

"We already know she wants you tamaki," one of the twins said.

"Yeah she came in earlier looking for you," the other one says. Those two twins better watch it or there going to be on my bad list. I decide now is as good time as any to explain myself

"No I..." I start.

"Oh I am over joyed your highness as I am only a lowly man not high enough to be in the presence of you, although if that is what you truly want I will try my hardest to make you happy," tamaki says wiping tears from his eyes then getting down on his knee to kiss my hand lightly.

"Im sorry you have the wrong idea, I'm  here because today is my first day and Mr. Suoh asked me to stop bye and meet his son, which is why i've been looking for tamaki suoh," I reason while pulling my hand away just before his lips meet it.

"Well here I am," tamaki says.

"Gosh your flamboyant aren't you," I roll my eyes at him, "and why weren't you in class all today?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"My princess im very sorry to upset you but i had some important club duties to attend to," that explains why my brother wasn't at his first class either, but im not in all his classes.

I'm sorry...   (Kyoyas Twin Sister) OHSHC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now