Chapter Three

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One Smile Please

Chapter Three:

"Hey Charlie?"

"Mmmhmm," It was Jenny my other friend and she had called a while ago. She was on a business trip and we had been chatting about completely pointless things.

"Is he really as hot as he looks in the magazines?" I was drinking my coffee and almost choked, I knew it was a mistake telling her, "Do you think you could introduce us? What is his butt rating?!" She was so shameless.

"You have a boyfriend," I screeched down the phone.

She went quiet, oh crap, "About that," she paused again, "Kinda dumped him..."

"Number twenty-seven," I sang down the phone. That was how many boyfriends she had had. Yup, we kept count. "And I kind of liked Anthony, he seemed like a... good fella." Jenny found commitment extremely hard, I hadn't known her from college but, apparently she had an extremely rough relationship back then, which made it hard for her to... commit.


"I still don't get why you don't go out with Simon it's obvious you both like each other," I said quietly and seriously.

"Because, just because," she said, I knew why. "Anyways, I've got to go now, I need my beauty sleep! It's way past four," I laughed and after a while we hung up. It was Monday tomorrow and even though it was only eleven here, it was probably a good idea to go to sleep.

"Tyler this is not a good idea! You know I hate heights! I cannot believe you persuaded me into this!" I shouted whilst clinging onto him. We were at the seaside and Tyler had had this amazing idea to go to the cliff so we could get an overview of the sea.

He laughed and said, "Babe, nothing is going to happen, I'm with you yeah?" he leant down and gave me a sweet lingering kiss, which almost made me forget my fears. Tyler went closer to the edge and dragged me with him. I accidentally glanced down and gulped, someone would break a lot of bones if they fell down there. On cue Tyler decided to inch closer and then he lost his stepping.

"Tyler!!" I screamed, then I was upright sitting in my bed drenched with my own sweat. I looked at the time to see that it was only six. It was the same again, the dream had altered reality. That day Tyler hadn't fallen off, as after a hundred of my pleas we decided to go to the pier nearby instead of standing there. I got up and went to have a shower. I had to make this stop, it had been going on for too long. The nightmares were never consistent, they were completely random, one night I'd have them and the next I won't. It was fucked up, a bit like my brain.

I changed into my usual clothing, a shirt -which had 'Keep It Real," written on it, a teal coloured hoodie and a pair of blue jeans, and by the time I was finishing my breakfast I heard someone walk in.

"Where's my food?!" it was Simon.

I pointed behind me, "I swear you crave food like a pregnant woman with raging hormones!"

"What can I say, I have my requirements," he said whilst shovelling his food down. "Hurry up, otherwise we're going to be late!" Simon had already finished and was at the door, I looked down at my only half eaten breakfast and then decided it was just better to leave it. Well now I have to starve... thanks Simon. I laughed at myself, I was so weird.

Me and Simon usually car shared, whenever we had the same shifts, just because we were both headed the same way. We got to the office and we were actually on time. I walked in and Mr Smith saw me whilst he was going to his cabin, he instantly turned and came towards me. Oh shit, I had done something hadn't I? Maybe I should run for it before he fires me. Then he can't fire me and I... But before I could execute an escape plan, the Boss was standing in front of me.

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