“I can’t.” I finally say.

“Aveline and Edward are coming…and I know how much you adore her.”

“I do not!”

“Do too!”



    I sigh as I swipe my hood off. She just pouts and crosses her arms.

“I really wish I could go.”

“So then this is your fault!” She directs her index finger at dad.

     Grandpa gasps with fake surprise. Dad entirely shocked unlike gramps. [Name] walks up to dad and places her backhands on her hips as she prepares to question him. Dad looks at me and then her before he grabs his hood attire on the coat rack and escapes. I awkwardly walk out the door behind them. I follow dad as he follows grandpa. I notice that grandpa has his hoodie too. We go into the shed and then down a hidden latch to a den that my biological dad Haytham Kenway had made. I can’t tell if I hate everything in this den because he made and or choose it or else because it reminds me of him. We sit at the wooden table that has only four wooden chairs to it. Achilles was already here.

“This will be a quick meeting since I know how much you hate it here Connor.” Grandpa announces.

“If it’s really quick you can catch up with [Name].” Dad smirks. I just nod as Achilles eyes me.

“A templar is going to be at the restaurant tonight. Ezio and I decided you would be a happier person if we let you kill him.”

     Grandpa slides a picture of the templar across the table to me. I examine his face carefully taking all important features to memory. European with blonde hair and green eyes a small scar above his left eyebrow and a thick blonde beard. I pin the picture to the table with a dagger. We all nod at each other and then depart. I go back to the restaurant and my grandma asks me to help her in the kitchen. By the time I’m finish I race off to school. As I reach the school’s gate I see a familiar hooded figure.

“My boy!” I call out to the person and they look up from their phone.


    We begin walking towards the school. We both have our hands in our pockets. My backpack is made of bear hide that my mother sewn for me, it was my first time killing a bear. I remember how proud she was. Edward has a standard black backpack. We wear our packs with one strap on. The bag is too small for me now anyway not to mention it is a quicker way to remove my bag if I carry it this way. Edward and I talked about recent hikers’ rumor that a wolf is boldly sleeping in campers tents. We see another hooded figure and Achilles last child. They look at us and then look away. I sigh.

“Being a teen assassin is hard.” I whisper.

    Edward looks at me pauses afterwards he breaks into a fit of laughter as he nods in agreement. As all four of us regroup I give both ladies a grin which Aveline returns but [Name] doesn’t change expressions. She sticks out a balled up fist towards my chest. I look down at it and place an open palm under it. Something wrapped in red and black confetti paper falls into my hand. As I remove the paper I find a butterscotch candy. I look up at her raising an eyebrow. All three of them exhale deeply.

“The woman thought it would be unfair to her if she gave us all some money.” Aveline hissed.

    The other two nodded sadly in agreement. We unconsciously begin our walk to school once more. The butterscotch giver came up beside me on my left with expecting eyes. Edward and Aveline joined her left.

“So what did you do this morin’?” she almost sung.

“I helped my gran in the kitchen.”

“Oooo.” They echoed together.

    I stopped and reached into my bag. I pulled out a large blue handkerchief and handed it to her. Immediately after she opened it and grinned at me.

“Oh honey you shouldn’t have.” She squealed.

   I froze which made everyone else freeze as well. She passed the other two pieces of velvet cake to our companions. I observed her every movement but when she turned back to me I couldn’t help but stare into her eyes. She chuckled as she improperly at the cake getting little crumbs on her face. I wiped the crumbs of the edge of her mouth with my thumb. This time she stared at me but I ignored it since my main objective was to rid her of the cake. Edward and Aveline smiled at us and continued walking and I did too.

“Connor?” Her usually louder voice mumbled.

“Yes crumbs?”

“H-how did you get your hands on this wonderful cake?”

    Edward looked back at me and nodded eagerly with cake in his mouth. Aveline took a quick look back as she gracefully glided.

“When I went in the back room to get some more cinnamon I saw my uncle stealing a piece. I’m not sure which uncle since he had his back to me with his hood on. I took that handkerchief and put three pieces in it as I smuggled it out after getting the cinnamon.”

    Aveline gave me thumbs up as Edward patted me on the back. Whenever I got something from the kitchen they would intensely listen to the story as if I’m a talking movie. Then I would be treated as a hero for the next thirty minutes at the most. [Name] hugged me from behind.

“Good call butterscotch.”

   Now she walked to my left again after playfully attempting to board my back which I in return lifted onto my back which shocked her even more as we finally entered the school. As we got to the main lobby we stood in a circle well a square. It was time for homeroom and we all basically would be split up. Aveline and I shared home rooms but Edward and crumbs had different homeroom teacher from either of us. As we said our farewells I noticed that the butterscotch was gone.

“I’ll catch up with you Ave.” I said.

“Want me to cover for you?”

“Nah I shouldn’t take that long.”

    I went back outside and looked for the confetti paper it should still be in. I don’t care for the candy but [Name] gave it to me and I want to show her I appreciate it. I hear some clear there throat and immediately look up at the source. I growled at who it was holding the butterscotch.

“Charles lee.” I spat.

“Connor Kenway, is this your candy?”

OMQ like look at me guys! Now you know (nah you don't) I've neva played an assassin's creed game in meh life! Assassin's creed wiki don't you fail meh now *^* I just want to say KenwayTheAnarchist does an amazing job but iz not jelly. Parlo poco Italiano~ Tesoro means treasure it is a way to refer to your mate of some sort (talking like I know I only read it online today). Comments will make my day! Really I want to know if anyone likes this idea. *prepares llama army* I am ready grammar Nazi folk HIT ME! I kinda rushed this as in I made it today and uploaded today...You could just leave a comment that's not helpful anything will work XD

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