Checking the weather it didn't seem like it would lighten up anytime soon, but it was a small drizzle nothing big, yet for me it meant I couldn't smell things clearly. Taking in the freshness I was ready for the walk it smelt nice and relaxing until I felt the pull on my elbow. Seeing who my assailant was it was Mrs. Lear. I should be more surprised but I just rose my brow at her staring directly at her ice cold blue eyes.

"Come on, it's raining. You think ill just let you walk? what kind of a teacher would I be if I ignore a student in distress." She said

I expected her to just let me be but here she was being nice. Looking at her I could tell she was earnest about the car ride. She wouldn't take no for an answer, she held this conviction within her to not let me get soaked. Heck if it were the other way around I'd be driving slowly watching her get wet all over. Savoring how that idea would be she was pulling my arm towards her car. I hadn't even realized till I was standing in front of a dark gray Honda civic sedan it was a nice car but I'm not crazy about motor vehicles.

Confused I look at her. She just ushered for me to get in the car, but I was hesitant at getting in. Was her true intentions just being my teacher? if so wouldn't she at least question what I was doing watching adult content. Mrs. Lear had me so damn confused.

Getting in her car was cold, she turned on her car and we just sat there waiting for her engine to warm up as well as the inside. We, well more like I felt uncomfortable just being near her it wasn't that I didn't like her, yes I didn't fully like her, okay. The werewolf thing doesn't make you love someone you just meet. It made you want to get to know them understand what they think of you as an individual in time. Sorta like love at first site for me it was lust at first sight.

The dread of them leaving is more of the fact that the paired mate chosen for that certain individual didn't want them, it was more of fear that the wolf inside the host would get depressed affecting the human side all together. I find it odd how one meets the mate, overwhelmed by the scent and after that hormonal lust taking them over. But that's just the first day maybe that's why when I read about mating and how ones more dominant over the other I get disturbed, disgusted and over it. Ones mate isn't ones life. Especially if trust wasn't in the mix.

Driving past the winding road was rather slow due to traffic. I just had to keep myself busy while we were stopping once in a while I'd just look at the color of the cars or the students walking when I noticed students walking I glared at Mrs. Lear she just glimpsed at me but kept her eyes back at the road.

"I am the only student you seem to be giving a ride to school. Look those over there are walking." I said pointing at three students walking to school only 5 minutes away by walking distance. Mrs. Lear just shrugged like that was nothing. I just felt like giving her a negative remark but that would get me detention. "tsk." was all I said and I slouched/curled in my seat turning to face the window with my legs crossed over the other it was comfortable and warm.

Once we were nearing the school I couldn't help but to look at the girls dorms. My interest was in that building were the human girls. Would it be easy to sneak in? how many boy have tried to sneak in to take a look at the new arrivals? I felt my stomach growl reminding me that I didn't eat. Mrs. Lear just looked at me smiling but only to shake her head in regards to my negligence to eat.

"They serve breakfast here so just get off and go to the cafeteria school wont start for another 20 minutes." she said as we came to a stop by the gate.
"Then why does it say it starts at 7:40 ?" I asked cause I got up early just to avoid more detentions.

"its so the students could go get their breakfast at around that time and be done at 8:10" she said

I got off the car and went to the cafeteria, when I got there it was starting to fill with students. I went to where the line began it was like a small buffet. Simply taking glimpse of what their was I would get. I decided on a cup of fruit, bacon and eggs and toast and coffee. Taking my tray to an empty seat I felt the eyes of a werewolf on me, but I knew my wolf scent was off, so no harm if they were looking at me. From somewhere behind where the line of students were. I didn't want to turn around and find out who it was, that would just give me away.

Little Miss Hazard GxGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن