Insidious Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

            The next morning Dalton speaks to his mother Renai about his reappearing nightmares involving the dead and the old woman. That night Renai confronts Josh about seeing the woman in their house, later Dalton watches as his father scold himself and tells an invisible person that they must leave. Dalton tells his mother that the physical Josh is not the soul of the real Josh.

            Josh's mom, Specs, Tucker, and Carl go to the hospital and find an ICU unit Josh's mom worked in and where everything started.

            Back in 1986 Josh and his mother walk into that ICU unit to see an old patient who is asleep. Josh looks away and suddenly the patient attacks him, and the nurses hold him back. Josh and his mother leave. Later it shows her getting on an elevator with the same patient, she makes small talk but he doesn't respond. They get off and she goes to the receptionist to ask why that patient was walking around, the reseptionist explains that that patient had jumped from the building and died that morning.

            Back in the present Josh's mother, Specs, Tucker, and Carl go to find the records on the patient and where he previously lived. They find the home abandoned. They go this room which is very girly and find a little girl sitting there, the girl warns them to leave before mother comes and kills them. Carl goes downstairs to use his dice. They realize that the woman they were talking to was messing with them the whole time. They enter another room to find people sitting in rows under cloths, they find a chest of articles about a serial killer wearing a black wedding dress. (Josh's ghosts dress) Carl places his hand on a mannequin wearing the dress and sees what has happened. He sees a man (the patient) putting on woman's make up, the dress and killing young woman, which are now the corpses under the sheets. His victims (dadadada!! creepy music)

With all this new info they understand what they're really dealing with, and they head home to try to tranquilize Josh and get into his head. But things go wrong and Josh kills Carl and knocks out Specs, and Josh also stabs Tucker with the needle putting him to sleep. (Take that! lol)

            In the other side Carl finds Josh and they figure they need to get Josh back in his body, so they try to find Elise. They then go to Josh's old house from Insidious 1, and there they see the patient in the windo going to kill and take the baby, Josh then goes in and run up the stairs. Back in the normal time Josh sends a text to Renai as Carl saying it is safe to come home. Renai and Josh's mother get to the house and Josh comes out and attacks them. Dalton comes out and hits him long enough for them and the two boys Dalton, and Foster to hide in the basement. They lock Josh out and Dalton goes to sleep to try to get their real father back.

              Back to the other side they arrive at Josh's mother house where they ask the young Josh where to find the patient's (black dress ghost) this is the scene from the very begining when the young Josh leads them to the door while Elise and his mother watch. Now we see adult Josh, Carl and older Elise following young Josh to the door.

They go through and find a younger version of the patient dressed as a girl. He yells saying his name is Parker, his mother comes in and asks if he did a drawing with the name Parker on it. He says yes and his mother slaps him saying how dare you. She tells him his name is not Parker because that is the name his father gave him and that his real name is Marilyn. The mother then notices Elise, Carl and Josh watching them. She shuts Carl and Elise out of the room and faces Josh alone. She gets all the victime under the sheets taunt Josh.

            In the real time Josh is about to kill Renai when he notices Dalton sleeping. He is about to hit Dalton with a hammer. At that moment Carl and Elise on the other side get young Parker to open the closed door and Elise kills the mother once and for all as Parker destroys all memories of his mother. Then Elise, Carl, and Josh find Dalton who has used his astral projection to get there through sleeping and make their way back fighting off spirits. Elise says goodbyes and tells Carl he is still alive for when she had hugged him she sensed a heartbeat in him. They say goodbye to Elise whie transported back to a 'good place' .

In the real world everyone wakes up in their real bodies with their real souls. Later they are all seated in Josh's living room and ask Carl to make them forget everything like how Elise made young Josh forget how to astral project to keep them from going into the other side.

At the end of the movie the screen brightens to a sky of clouds and we see Specs and Tucker knock on a door and ask a man that they need to deliver a message to the man's relative, Allison. Allison is the sole survivor of the bride in blacks killing spree, the only one who got away and gave a description to the police in the newspaper found at Parkers house.

            At the door the family's little girl asks them about the woman standing behind Specs and Tucker. They turn to find no one but the little girl sees Elise who puts her finger to her mouth with a smile saying shhhh. Elise walks past them into the house where a young woman sits unresponsive in a wheelchair. We then see Tucker and Specs speaking with the family parents that the little girl has been having problems with unseen, malevolent entities in their home. Elise crouches infront of Allison, smiles and begins to talk to her, trying to draw her out from the other side. Elise looks up to see the light moving and something else, we hear a creepy sound and Elise in pure horror says '' THE END!!!! 

Movie Review:

          I was being very generous when I gave this movie 3 stars. This movie wasn't that great. I had excpected allot since I did enjoy the first part, and the previews looked really good. So yeah I was disappointed since I did pay to watch this in theatres. I did like though how it picks up pretty quickly after the first movie, but I felt like slapping Renai, like seriously wasn't it obvious Josh was no longer the real Josh. But I did like the actor who played Josh, he's the same from the Conjuring right? I also noticed that the house is pretty identical layout wise to the house in the Conjuring. I hope to do my review and summary on that movie soon.

          Ok so I don't know what else to say about this movie, it is what it is nothing more. I heard there is sappose to be a chapter 3 and frankly I couldn't care for another part because now they just keep ending the same in the terrible way with a cliffhanger that does end up suckergin you in to paying to see the next movie and once you're in that cycle you'll find yourself overweight, buying more popcorn at a theater to see Insidious Chapter 11.

          So if you did watch the first part for sure watch the second part because it does explain Josh's past but it still doesn't make sense the ending, I didn't get the whole thing with Allison, I guess I'll have to find out more in Insidious Chapter 3!!!


I have a very long list of movies to do reviews on so here's a little list for the next movies:

The Immortals

paranormal activity 4

Honey I shrunk the kids

Honey we blew up the kid

the darkest hour

slumdog millionaire

back to the future

honey we shrunk ourselves

real steal



The prophecy

big fat greek wedding

monte carlo


silent hill revelation

the heat

struck by lightening

the conjuring

evil dead

one hour photo


dream house

Jeff who loves at home

I love you phillip morris


Seeking a friend for the end of the world

The Croods

Friends With Kids

world war Z

Side Effects

Texas Chainsaw

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