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"I'm gonna go get my clothes from the washer. You wait here." I said smirking at Shavon who was sitting in my chair looking like a snack. She decided she would stay here so I had to go throw my clothes in the dryer before we got shit popping. Possibly.

I was in the middle of finishing my laundry when my doorbell rang. Somebody always coming to my damn house. I ran to open the door and looked confused at Taylor and the girl with her.

"What?" I asked.

"Can we come in?" She asked. I promise every time she asks me a dumb ass blood boils.

"We? I don't know her and I damn sure don't want you in my house." I stated.

"Shavon invited us over." The girl said. I squinted at them and rolled my eyes.

"Why?" I asked.

"To smoke." Taylor replied.

"That just fucked up my mood. Come in man." I said shaking my head. They walked in and sat on the couch. I went up to my room lowkey pissed.

"You invited Taylor and some girl over here?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Yeah.. What's wrong with that?" She asked like a dummy. I'm really surrounded by dummies.

"Nothing man they downstairs waiting." I said with pure attitude. I went into my closet and decided to change my clothes. I had to get out of this house. Fuck them.

1 Month Later

I finished packing the last of my things and sat in my window sill. I've lived in this house for 18 years and a few months. I'm finally leaving.

The moving truck had already came and took all my stuff. I was finally about to leave this toxic place and start over. Alone. I went out to my car and started it up. I hadn't told anyone I was moving except for Erin and we had spent all day yesterday hanging out. I told her not to tell anyone else until after I was gone.

I began the drive to Red Rock, Arizona while blasting 21 Savage. I already had a job set up for me there and my house was paid for by myself. Like I said, I kept my money saved up like crazy. I had a friend in Arizona and she happened to be calling me.

^ Genesis ^

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^ Genesis ^

"Wassup Gen!" I answered excitedly, turning my music down.

"Heyyy Dri baby wasgood?" She replied.

"I just now left. I'm on my way to you as we speak. I'm so excited." I said, pulling onto the highway.

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