"I didn't want to trip over anything." Heat rose up on his cheeks as he sat next to me, sideways so his bach was facing the arm rest. "I came by when I went to get you something to eat the other day." I let myself fall onto his lap, pushing him against the arm rest and using his chest as a pillow.

"I'm tired."

"Then we should move to the bed. You'll hurt your next on the couch."

"But I want to sleep like this. I don't want to move." He didn't say anything. I felt one arm wrap around my shoulder and his head rust on top of mine. "Can we just stay here?"

"You'll regret it in the morning." His voice was muffled by my hair.

"I don't think I will."

"You always say that, it's never the truth." I found myself laughing a little. he's right, he's always right.


So Spencer was only given so many days off. This all happened in his first week on the job so it's not like he had a bunch of vacation time saved up. Not that I really minded, he did tend to hover a little. They only gave him two more days after I got home and then he was off back to work.

"Maybe I should just stay home." Spencer mumbled as I pushed his overnight bag into his hands.

"Spencer, go to work." He didn't seem to hear me as I gently pushed him towards the door. He looked me over like he was trying to find an excuse as to why he should say. I pulled him against me when his back connected with the door. "Everything will be fine, go catch the bad guys."

"But you weren't here last time I came home." He looked like a puppy that just found a home only to be taken back to the shelter.

"I promise I'll be right here when you get back. Rodney is dead and was alone in his plains as far as I can tell." That didn't seem to reassure him any. "I'll sleep with the shotgun under my pillow?" His frown deepened. "Board up the door and the windows?"

"I don't think our lease allows that." Only Spencer would take that statement literally.

"Go Spence." I laughed. He didn't understand my amusement but did as I said though he wasn't the least bit happy about it. "I'll call you later." I promised as I pressed a kill his lips then one to his cheek. "Everything will be fine."

"Please call me If anything happens..." I told him I would and he left I waited until after he disappeared down the stairs before shutting and locking the dead bolt. Within the two days of being back, Spencer and I unpacked the rest of our stuff. It took us a while to get the his books in the right order, turns out he's got them organized by the publication date. Our bedroom was looking pretty good and I'm sure this is as good as it will ever look. I've never been one to make the bed and Spencer wouldn't be home enough to yell at me about it.

The kitchen didn't have enough stuff in it to be considered anything other then empty. All we've got is a coffee pot, two mugs and a thing of paper plates. Spencer's mother had broken all of the old dishes and we hadn't gotten around to replacing them. All we ever ate was takeout. Its not like I know how to cook and Spencer may be able to memorize any cook book but he hasn't mastered anything but setting a pot of boiling water on fire. Maybe we could take a few classes together. I haven't ever raised a kid before but constantly eating cheap takeout doesn't sound like the best diet plan for a growing child. Hell, even I ate mostly diner food growing up.

I took a seat on the couch and looked around the tiny apartment. Our stuff barely fit inside, granted most of it was books, but there wasn't room for baby things. The apartment is technically two bedrooms but the second room is more a small office. That could work as a nursery but nothing more. We'd defiantly need to move after the baby's born.

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