"Fine.  Let's go see what Berta whipped up for us," she said with a smile.  She got up and moved us toward the dining room.

We were seated around the table.  It seemed smaller than I remember.  Is this the same table we used to sit around for Friday night dinners?  It couldn't be because my grandpa isn't here.  The waves of grief still hit me from time to time.  Thankfully, this one was momentary and I was able to swallow the lump forming in my throat, threatening tears.  I took a deep breath and said, "This house is beautiful, Grandma."

"Thank you, Rory.  I still want to spruce up a couple of the rooms upstairs, but I'll do that after the house in Hartford is sold.  I've had to leave quite a few pieces there for showings.  I'd like to have them here for the sprucing," she replied.

"Speaking of the house in Hartford, there's something I'd like......we'd like to ask you about, Grandma," I said to her.

A smile spread across Emily's face and I knew she was putting things together.

"Emily, we'd like to use the house in Hartford to host a small wedding, for us, in two weeks," Logan said before I could get the words out.

"So soon?  But I only found out you two were back together a few days ago!  Is there a reason you want to get married so quickly?  Are you.....pregnant?!" She said looking at me.  The excited words shot out of my grandmother's mouth faster than I could comprehend.  Fortunately, Logan was able to keep up with the line of questioning.

"Emily, we never stopped loving each other.  In the spirit of full disclosure, we have been seeing each other on and off for the last 6 years.  I was caught up in Mitchum's dynastic plan, but all of that changed when he had a heart attack almost two weeks ago.  I knew what I had to do.  I had to go to Rory.  I had to be with her.  When she told me she was pregnant, that was just the icing on this beautiful cake.  It simply moved up the plans.  With your permission, we'd like to host an intimate wedding gathering at your home in Hartford," he replied without missing a beat.

He looked at me.  I loved that look, those eyes.  I smiled at him.  The calm had once again washed over me, relaxing me. Even if she said no, we were still getting married.

"Lorelai, did you know Rory was pregnant?" The question cannon had moved in my mother's direction.

"Mom, I did, but I don't see how this has anything to do with-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" She interrupted, sounding like the Emily Gilmore I've come to know and love.  I could see the anger, then she paused a moment.

"Mom....ah.....I....it was Rory's news to tell, not mine," Mom replied.

I could see the anger subsiding on Grandma's face.  "Grandma, I was afraid you would be angry with me.  All of the feelings you felt when Mom told you thirty-three years ago would come rushing back to you.  I, also, wanted to tell Logan before I told anyone else." I shot my mom the "Don't tell Grandma I told you first" look.  "I'm sorry if I've hurt you.  I didn't mean to!"

"Rory, I'm not mad at you.  I'm just a little disappointed in your mother.  She won't share anything with me.  After all of these years, all we have been through, all we have done for her," she says.  "I'm so happy for you and Logan.  I would be happy to host your wedding in Hartford.  You just let me know what you want me to do and I am at your service," she replied.

Did my grandmother just say she would do this?  I can't believe there was very little argument or fight.

"Thank you, Grandma!  This will be so amazing!"  I said as I stood up to give her a big hug.  "I love you!"

"I have always known that you and Logan would end up together.  Your grandfather and I could see it from the beginning.  The two of you have a wonderful future in front of you.  I am so proud to call you family, Logan!"

I could feel myself getting tired.  After lunch, I excused myself to one of the guest rooms.  Logan followed me to make sure I was ok.  I just needed some rest.  I don't remember my head hitting the pillow.


I could hear Logan's voice and feel him gently shaking me.

"Ace, it's time for dinner."

Dinner?  Had I been asleep all afternoon?

"How could you let me sleep all afternoon, Logan?"

"Sorry.  I thought you could use some rest.  I know you didn't sleep well last night and you've had a long week," he replied softly. 

"No, you're right.  I did need the nap.....or sleep as it may be," I said.

"Your grandmother and I have been discussing details of the wedding.  I forgot what a keen eye she has for these things!  The only thing you have to do is sit back and let me do the work.  If there was one thing I learned at Yale, it was how to throw a party," he reminded me, laughing.

"There's one more small detail that needs to be addressed," I replied.

"I'm pretty sure Emily and I took care of everything this afternoon."

"Not unless you discussed my dad.  He still has no idea I'm pregnant.  Although I'm sure he suspects after our last conversation," I said.

"Well, Christopher shouldn't be a problem.  We bonded over televisions and failed private school adventures, remember?"

"I remember, but our last conversation was awkward.  He and I haven't had the greatest relationship since he and my mom divorced.  He's been focused on himself and GG.  I've been living a nomadic existence," I confessed.

"Ace, don't worry about your dad.  We'll take care of it.  Now, let's go have some dinner!  I bet that the baby in there is getting hungry," he said as he gently touched my stomach.  "After all, he or she IS half Gilmore and I know your appetite!"  Logan said with a chuckle.  He smiled, stood up and reached for my hand.

I extended my hand, allowing him to help me out of the comfort of the bed.  I stole a glance of myself in the mirror.  I had a serious case of bed head.  I tried to stop to fix my hair, but I felt the pull of Logan leading me out the door. 

"C'mon, Ace!  Food is waiting," he said as I was still attempting to smooth my hair with my other hand.

Friday night dinner never smelled so good!

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now