Chapter 4 : Kidnapped

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A deep feeling of dread hit everyone as they noticed the absence of Rose. Laz could swear he knew exactly when the others caught on. Shyla pushed against the wall, trying to stand. Her breathing was labored once she managed to get on her feet. Though she was leaning against the wall for support. Her face was one full of worry and horror.

"Rose, where are you baby girl? Come out, please. Mommy needs to see you are alright. Please, sweetie, mommy needs you. I, I need you baby girl."

She collapsed to the floor as tears broke free and her body shook. Mongrel stood up on wobbly legs and nuzzled Shyla. He whimpered then went and started sniffing.

"The cloaked figure took her. I have seen it in the smoke of memory I conjured. I even tried to reach out to her with magick but got nothing. I'm terribly sorry that this happened."

Mae looked at him trying to read his expression and seen it spoke the same as his broken voice. It struck her deeply that he cared this much for her cousin. But she knew it wasn't the same kind of love as his friend. It was that of a good friend having true remorse. She wanted to hug him and thank him. He was just what her cousin needed in her empty life. The hunky wolf was just a bonus for her and Rose.

"Is there no other way to find her?"

"None that I am aware of. We could ask madam Matif if she knows of any? I have hope with that wise woman on our side."

"I'll call her right away then and let her know everything. She would want to know her daughter has passed."

Shyla's head shot up at that point. Her eyes on her mother's unmoving corpse. Laz couldn't read her emotions just then. She seemed blank like she was in shock. His eyes swept over to his friend. Still, as a wolf, his form seemed stiff, deadly.

What is causing my friend to respond this way? Can he smell something that my magick had missed?

"What is it Mongrel?"

As soon as his name was spoken the wolf growled. Fearing that something was controlling the wolf, Laz motioned to Shyla to stay still. She never looked his way and the growl seemed to not have fazed her. Her eyes were still locked on her mother's corpse. Laz and Mae stood to make their way towards the two. Then Shyla seemed to snap out of it and screamed. Mongrel whipped around to look at her. The two fae were worried something was going to trigger the wolf to attack them. His eyes were fixated on the halfling. They could swear her eyes darkened a bit. Her hair seemed to have more red to it. Then fear struck them all.

"Daddy help me! Hurts, hurt so bad! Save me, please! Momma, momma don't leave me! I'm so scared Momma! No please, no go momma! Momma!"

After that, she collapsed and Laz felt his heartbreak. Mae looked at him, her face pale and her eyes wide. Mongrel was cautiously sniffing around Shyla. A pained whine left his throat as she lay there crying. He licked her cheek as he tried to console her.

"Was that Rose?"

"Yes, she made contact as I requested earlier. I never thought she would go through her mother like that. Though it just goes to prove how strong they are bonded."

Her sobs quieted as she sat up. Mongrel nuzzled her face and woofed quietly. Shyla looked as though her experience took a great toll on her. Which in her current condition, Laz would believe to be true. He watched as she hugged the wolf close and her tears began to spring forth once more. Caring not for his own injuries, he shifted into his human form. His arms came around her shaking form but he looked like he was pissed as all hell. Laz knew that look. It was bloodlust at its finest and the wolf could pull that look off well.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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