Chapter 2: Mother?

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    When Shyla woke up she was hooked up to an i.v. and in a sterile room. She felt really groggy but was wanting to fill her stomach at this point. Within seconds a woman came in with a tray of food.

  "Here you go darling. If you want anything else just holler."

  The woman said then turned to leave. Shyla was going to ask her a few questions but the food smelled just too great to pass up. Her stomach growled as if agreeing to that thought. Looking back up she didn't see the woman so she shrugged and began eating her food.

  Where am I at? Where are Mongrel and Laz? Wait am I at the base that they were heading to before I passed out? Oh my god this food is so good.

  Shyla's thoughts raced at first but she had a calming feeling come over her as she continued to eat. Once she was about half way done with her food she noticed someone else was in the room. Excitement raced through her as she began to look up.

  "Hey, glad to see you are eating. It seems you are dehydrated and under weight. How long has it been since you ate last?"

  "It was the day before I went missing. I had been in a rush early that morning so I didn't eat. He feed me but it was bland mush and tasted horrible. This stuff is really good. How long were you standing there?"

  Why did I get so excited at the thought of him being here with me? I shouldn't be that happy about him. He saved me but I'm acting like a school girl in love.

  "Oh my god I haven't been to school in a while. I'm going to have so much to catch up on."

  Mongrel looked as though he was going to say something but her out burst had shocked him.

  "Your still in school? For what reason kid?"

He looked worried now but stepped back as her anger grew.

  "I'm not a kid I'm 26 and it is for art. I want to perfect my skills and become an animator one day. It will be my to give back to the community and feed the young minds of our youth. How old did you think I was? Besides how old are you, dog breath?"

  She mumbled the insulting name so as to let him hear it but none others. She was still fuming about his jab at her.

  He is a shifter after all so he could be really old and still look that hot. Ahhh what am I thinking!

  She was blushing like mad as she tried to push her thoughts on him away. Mongrel on the other hand was chuckling to himself.

"I'm 29 actually. Sorry I jumped the gun there princess, but I never thought to continue the hell that is called school. Though it's great you want to do something productive for the kids. I bet you'll be famous in no time."

  He smiled and she could of sworn her heart melted with that smile. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts she looked back at her food. Poking at her steak she began to mumbled.

  "What was that princess mumbles? I can't quite make out what you're trying to say."

She glared at him but her heart fluttered as she seen his head was tilted and he was still smiling at her. Looking back at her food she shook it.

  I'm going crazy I guess. Falling in love like this just cause he saved me from that monster. My mom would laugh and tell me that I should stop reading those romance novels.

   Shyla smiled to herself as her mom's voice rang in her head.

  She's decently beautiful despite her ordeal she just got out of. I hope she can better prepare for any other attacks like that. I really want to know she'll be safe before leaving her alone. So helpless.

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