The World Tournament: Round One

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??? P.o.v

"What is your name?" The booth man asked me.

I replied blankly: "Kuraki Yulia. But you can just put me down as Everblade."

*Goten's p.o.v*

"GOTEN WAIT UP!!!" My Dad called. I was so excited! I've been training my entire life for this- well, not really- but this is the day I've been waiting for!!

"Dad! The line's gonna be too long if we take forever!!" I shouted back. Trunks, my best friend since I was born, landed beside me.

"Yeah. Let's just go ahead and sign up. Hey Mom!" Trunks called back to Bulma. "We're gonna go ahead and sign up!"

"Okay! Behave yourselves!" She smiled.

"Yeah!!" I felt the wind blow through my medium hair as I ran to the desk. The man smiled at me and Trunks.

"Hello there. Names please." He got his pen ready.

"Son Goten." I pointed at myself with my thumb.

"Trunks Briefs." Trunks smiled. The an wrote our names down and let us through.

"You may wait in the lobby until further notice." The man said as we walked by. There were a lot of people there. Mostly children. There were only four girls. Three of them were in a group, and the last one was in a corner. She had long white hair and blue eyes like Trunks, just colder. She was messing with something... long and brown?

'Holy shit! She has a tail!!' I thought.

"Hey Trunks?" I nudged him. He looked at me with a brow raised.

"Yeah?" He replied. I pointed to the girl. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped a little. "She has a tail?" He whispered. The girl looked up at us, glaring. She turned the corner for a few seconds before coming into view again and walked towards us. Her tail wasn't visible anymore. I finally noticed her figure. She was slim, yet perfect. Muscular, yet not too strong. Everything about her was... perfect.

She stopped in front of us crossing her arms. "Something cute boys?" Her voice was normal, which suprised me. She sounded a little like a rebel, which was suprising. Her outfit was a little showy...  a black crop top and a white sports bra... even her shorts were a little too short...

Trunks studdered. "N-No. Nothing cute here!" I elbowed him slightly.

"Not cool!" I whispered. The girl smirked.

"Heh. So what're your names?" She asked. She seems trusting...

"I'm Trunks." Trunks smiled. She smiled back.

"I-Im Goten. Nice to m-meet you." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. The girl chuckled.

"Hello Trunks and Goten. You can call me Everblade." She gave a small smile. We smiled back.

"I hope you're as strong as you seem." Trunks smirked. Everblade lost her smile. Instead, it was an uneasy glare.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She stepped closer to my lavander headed friend.

"I mean you look suprisingly weak for an adults division contestant." Trunks threw his hands up, uncaring. "Not that I care either way. I mean... you are only a girl." Trunks!!

"Uh... Trunks? I really don't think that's a good idea..." I glanced at Everblade. Her eyes flashed... blue green? And her hair flashed yellow?? Before returning to its natural snowy white color.

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