I Will Always Be Here.

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Imagine: Rex telling you that he loves you and promising to protect you

Everything had happened so fast that it all seemed like a dream, but dreams never hurt so much. Now on the small ship Rex had stolen to escape the Jedi temple you had time to process it all. The clone captain told you about the chips that had been put in every clone's brain since before birth. Now the ones he had not managed to get to, had been forced to turn on the Jedi.

Rex said there were a few brothers he was able to tell and get their chips removed like his, Commander Wolffe and Gregor among them. Unfortunately it took the death of Fives for anyone to investigate the mind altering devices.

Things had fallen silent between you and Rex after his explanation. He was helping you by wrapping your injured leg, the deep wound above your knee- courtesy of a chipped troop, was surely going to scar. You could sense much turmoil in Rex, but it didn't take a force sensitive to see that. This was hurting and affecting him just as much as you. You had lost your fellow Jedi, he had lost his brothers.

You couldn't take the silence anymore, you needed to let Rex know you were there if he needed it. Slowly you reached out and put your hands over the ones placing the healing patch on your leg. "Rex..."

His gaze steadied on your hands over his, before he looked up into your face.

"I... thank you for everything you did back at the temple. You could have run during the chaos and gotten far away from the inner rim, but, you came back to see if you could help anyone... And, I know it couldn't have been easy to see your brothers like that."

Rex was silent for a moment as he adverted his eyes, his gaze falling back down to your hands. "This isn't going to be easy on any of us. I don't know what's going to happen to the galaxy now... And as for going back to the temple when I could have run..." His eyes found their way back to yours as he said. "I knew I couldn't leave you behind."

Despite yourself your heart started to feel like it had wings. You had developed feelings for Rex that went beyond friendship, but, you knew you had to keep said feeling under a tight lid. "Rex- I-" Words failed you, what could you say? Did you take this moment to tell him or let the opportunity slide? Then you felt his hands tighten slightly around yours.

"I know, I know this is probably the worst time to tell you this but...but I think I'm in love with you." His eyes looked a little lost, as if he couldn't believe he was actually saying those things. Again he darted his gaze away from you as he sighed "And I know it could never work between us- I know that you couldn't feel the same way about-"

In that moment you took Rex's face in your hands and turned him back to you, so you could press your lips to his. After a moment of shock passed Rex wrapped his arms around you and pulled your body gently against his. The position was slightly awkward considering he had been kneeling in front of you to tend to your leg, but neither of you cared.

When the kiss finally broke he brushed his fingers across your cheek and looked over your features as though for the first time. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again." He said in a low voice.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Rex"

"I'm gonna do everything possible to keep that one, I'll promise you that."

Hello My Lovelys, comment/vote/share with friends I would love it soo much if you did. Any preferences to what would happen next, I'm open to any suggestions... if you liked this then you should try my other story and see if you like it 🙂.

Until next time love you all, God bless and be safe 😘🤗

Captain Rex Fanfic - I Will Always Protect You (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now