Chapter 16

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I took a half step back in shock; my face filled with absolute devastation. "Jude..." My voice coming out as a quiet tremble.

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Oh, please." He said in an annoyed voice. "Don't act like this comes as a shock to you. In your heart of hearts, you knew what this was." He added. "After everyone warned you to stay away from me; even your own brother told you to stay away—you still threw yourself at me." He chuckled and shook his head in amusement. "You knew this would happen and you did it anyway."

Angelina was suddenly at my side. "Killian?" She asked in a weak voice.

Killian smirked and slung an arm around Jude. "I'm just the wingman." He answered in a cocky voice. "And a pretty damn good one, at that." He removed his arm from Jude's shoulders and took a step toward Kyle. "And it would've gone even smoother if you didn't get involved." Kyle scowled angrily back at his brother. Killian looked back over at Jude with a smirk. "I'd say this was our most elaborate trick yet." Jude nodded in agreement.

I heard Angelina let out a small cry. "But why get me involved?" She asked as she tried to choke back a sob.

Killian gave her a fake sympathetic smile. "Aww, sweetheart, someone had to push Nova toward Jude. You were the best option." He told her. "And you convinced her! Well done."

I looked over at Jude in confusion. "Why didn't you get rid of me earlier?" I asked. "Isn't that your thing? Dropping girls after having sex with them?"

He smirked tauntingly and bit his lip. "That was the plan initially, but then I found out you were a virgin and—oh." He threw his head back with an open mouth grin, then looked back at me. "I had to fuck you more than once." He walked up to me until he was in my face. "It was so hot that I was the only one giving it to you. I couldn't get enough of that sweet, tight, virgin p--." Before he could finish his sentence, I had slapped him across the face as hard as I could. I instantly regretted it, because his entire body clenched and a murderous glare crossed over his face. He brought his fist back, and I squeezed my eyes shut in preparation for the impact.

"No, no, no." Killian's voice said urgently before I was hit. I opened my eyes and he had rushed over to Jude and grabbed his fist. "You definitely don't want to hit her out here." He gestured over to the field. Jude brought his fist back down, and glared at me in fury.

"You're so lucky we're out here. I promise, you'll regret this." Jude told me in a deep voice. He turned around and faced Killian again. "Let's go." They took a few steps to head back down to the field, but then Jude stopped abruptly. He had a horrible grin on his face. He looked passed us and looked over at May who had been sitting quietly in the stands the whole time. "Hey, May." He called over to her in a cocky voice. May sat there looking terrified. "How's it going?" He shot her a wink and she looked down immediately. Jude smirked, then turned around and the two of them went back out onto the field.

I couldn't believe I didn't see it earlier. I was so blind and stupid. And Kyle. I looked over at him apologetically, but he didn't see because he was still scowling at the spot Jude had been standing. I moved closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Kyle?" I said in a soft voice. He looked over at me with sadness in his eyes. "I can't even begin to express how sorry I am."

He shook his head. "No apology needed." He gave me a half smile and wrapped me up in a hug.

Silas then came sprinting up into the stands. "What just happened?!" He exclaimed and ran over to me. He scanned me all over. "Did he hurt you?"

I shook my head. "Not physically." I replied solemnly. "You were right; he's a monster." My eyes filled with tears and Silas quickly wrapped me up in a hug. "I was so stupid to not listen to you. You're my brother." I started full out crying into his shoulder.

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