Chapter 15

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It was a little over two weeks since Kyle and I hooked up; and I hadn't spoken to him since. It was absolutely killing me. But I had to act like everything was fine because Jude and I were considering ourselves a couple now. Of course I was happy to be with him, but Kyle was always at the back of my mind.

That day football practice was being held. May and I were hanging out in the cafeteria; waiting for Angelina to get back from dropping Killian's water bottle off for him at the field. It was an unusually quiet day around campus; it almost felt like the calm before the storm. But it was probably just because all of the obnoxious football jocks were gone.

I was looking over at the food counter with a disgusted look on my face. Nothing they were serving today appealed to me. May cleared her throat loudly causing me to turn toward her. She leaned over the table. "Have you talked to Kyle at all?" She asked in an almost sad voice.

I felt my stomach turn at the sound of his name. I swallowed and gave a casual shrug. "No, I haven't in weeks." I replied in the best neutral voice I could muster. "Why have you?" My question came out more desperate than I wanted it to. I cleared my throat.

She nodded. "Yeah, a little." I turned my entire body to face her and tried to keep my expressions unfazed.

"Did he, uh..." I began in a pathetic sounding voice and cleared my throat again. "Say anything about me?" I asked as I played with the straw in my cup of juice.

She smirked at me knowingly. "He's still crazy about you, Nova; if that's what you're getting at." I looked down and smiled widely; she could see through my façade completely now. "He's not going anywhere." I looked up at her questionably; wondering how she could say that so confidently. "His words, not mine."

My smile widened, then I leaned in closer to her. I sighed and gave up on trying to act like I didn't care. "I think about him constantly. He's on my mind all day, every day. I feel horrible because of Jude, but I can't help it." I admitted.

A giant smile washed over her face and she pounded her fists on the table excitedly. "Please, please, please just go be with him!" She begged. "He loves you; you obviously love him. Ditch the bitch and be with Kyle!"

I sighed and shook my head slowly. "I can't." I replied in an exhausted voice. She frowned and furrowed her brow. "I'm with Jude now." I reminded her.

She groaned and looked down at the table. "Nova." She said in a defeated voice; then looked up and met my eyes. "I need to tell you something." She said in a whisper.

That's when Angelina burst through the door with a happy smile on her face. "Hey, there she is." I greeted. I looked back over at May who looked to be close to tears. "Can it wait?" I asked. She nodded once. Angelina sat down in the seat between us. "Did Killian appreciate the water bottle?"

She chuckled. "Yeah, but he was sharing Jude's." She told us with an amused grin. "It's about time those two became friends."

May glanced down at the table. I remembered her theory about Jude and Killian already being friends. It made me sort of upset that she had so little trust in the guys Angelina and I were dating. "I agree." I replied to Angelina with a smile.

"You should've seen the two of them. It was so cute!" Angelina continued in a happy voice.

I chuckled. "Well, I want to see them being cute together." I told her in a firm voice. "We should head down there before they leave."

Angelina nodded in agreement and stood up from the table. "Let's go now. That way we can see them practice for a while." I stood up with a smile, and May stood up slowly; still looking a little hesitant. Then, the three of us headed toward the football field. It was an oddly warm day out, but I wasn't about to complain.

"You guys, I don't think I'm really up to going to the football field." May said and rubbed her arm. Angelina and I looked over at her in confusion. "Well, I'm the only one without a football player boyfriend." She added with a grin.

"Aw, come on, May!" Angelina protested. "It won't be as fun without you." She added.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and you can check out the football players!"

She sighed in defeat. "Fine." Her voice was reluctant, but she wore a small smile.

I elbowed her. "Oh, what were you going to tell me back there?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Nothing." She replied quickly. "It's not important." She added in a quiet voice.

I eyed her suspiciously. "If you say so." The football field came into view then. I could hear the distant grunts and shouting all the way from where we were. We made it to the field and up into the stands. The guys were too into their practice to notice. Kyle was throwing perfect passes all over the field and looking so good doing it. I didn't realize how much I missed him until that moment. Kyle threw a ball above Silas's head, but he jumped up and caught it so gracefully, he made it look easy. I smiled; my brother was so amazing. Kyle threw the next ball about fifty yards right to Killian, who was brought down immediately by Jude. Jude grabbed Killian by the hand and pulled him up. The two of them did a guy, half hug; followed by them sliding the sides of their hands together, two fist bumps, and then they playfully punched each other in the stomach at the same time. I slowly looked over at Angelina who was looking at me with a very confused look on her face that matched mine. "I'm guessing they didn't come up with that today." I said in a low voice.

I looked over at May who had an I told you so look on her face. "Why would they lie about being friends?" Angelina asked in a whisper. I didn't answer that and looked back at the field. The guys were taking a break. And then, Kyle looked right at us and met my eyes. He smiled, glanced over at Jude, and then jogged over to us. "Hey." I greeted with a smile as he entered the stands.

"Hey." He replied with a huge smile. He was covered with sweat, but somehow it made him look incredibly sexy. His dark brown hair was sticking to his face, his cheeks were flushed, and he was breathing a little heavy; but again, he looked so good. "How're you doing?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Confused." I answered. "Are Jude and Killian friends?"

He chuckled and looked at me like I was on drugs. "Um, is the sky blue?" He asked and shook his head. "Where have you been?"

I looked over at Angelina who looked like she was about to burst into tears. I looked back over at Kyle. "They told us that they weren't friends."

Kyle scoffed and turned around back at the field, and then looked back at us. "They've been best friends since Jude's first year." He told us.

I felt my heart sink and I actually grabbed my chest. My stomach turned and I thought I would be sick at any moment. "Why didn't you say something?" I asked as tears started stinging my eyes.

He looked at me with sympathy but also disbelief. "I didn't think it needed to be said." He said with a sympathetic, half grin. "It's kind of an obvious and known thing."

I dropped my head into my hands. "Oh my God." I mumbled into my hands. I looked up at Angelina who looked to be in a similar state of confusion and disbelief that I was in. Then I looked over at Kyle. "I don't understand. Why would they lie?"

Kyle sighed. "Let's find out." He turned around completely and cupped his hands around his mouth. "Killian Lawrence and Jude Simon; get your asses over here!" He yelled. Kyle stayed like that for a few more moments. "I'm not kidding! Get over here!" Kyle yelled again. He stood there for a few more moments and then turned around. "They're coming." A few moments later, Jude and Killian came up into the stands; looking very shocked to see us there.

I rose from my seat and got up in Jude's face. "You guys are friends." I stated in an irritated and hurt voice.

Jude let out a tired sigh and looked over at Killian with a grin. Jude's grin wasn't cute or silly; it was evil and malicious. Killian gave Jude a similar look back. Jude looked back at me with a taunting, mean smirk. "It's about fucking time."

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