Chapter One: You have got to be kidding me!

Start from the beginning

"Oh yeah your right. I asked if you needed help, and you told me no."

"There you go." I rolled my eyes at his words. I looked at the clock and it read six.

"We should probably go and get things started." I nudged my dad slightly.

"Yes we should, Marco is already down there." My father and I both headed down the stairs which lead to our restaurant. The lights where already on, and I could hear Marco in the kitchen.

"Good morning Marco." I said to him as I rounded the corner.

"Good morning Anna, Brittany is out back stocking the shelves. She wanted me to tell you that."

"So basically she is doing her makeup in the bathroom, because she didn't have enough time before she got here." Marco laughed at my words.

"God you know her so well."

"Well she has been my friend since I was born basically. I am going to get the princess now. Hey prep some extra home fries for today. Mrs. Chambers is going to be by with her group of gossips today. They all love your home fries." Marco smiled at my words.

I walked to the back to where the storage and bathroom for employees were. And sure enough there was my best friend putting on her mascara om the bathroom with the door open." I shook my her actions.

"You do know your going to get all gross and sweaty in a few hours?" I asked her causing her to jump some, making her mascara brush the side of her face. She groaned and turned to face me. She had a huge black mark on her face from where I had scared her.

"God damn Anna, you scared the hell out of me."

"Well maybe if you were actually doing work, then you wouldn't have been scared." I teased her as I walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet in there.

"Hahaha you're so damn funny." She replied to me as she wiped the mascara off of her cheek.

"Why do you get all dolled up anyway. Are you trying to impress me?" I fake flirted with her.

"Oh you know it babe. I come into work everyday thinking, I hope I can make my best friend fall in love with me with my hot looks." I found myself laughing at her words.

"Well I have to say I think it is working." I joked with her. She laughed at my words and shook her head. She looked in the mirror looking herself over to see if she looked good, Then she added some more lip gloss.

"In all seriousness why do you get all dolled up for work, when your just going to get gross in about two hours?" I questioned her.

"Because I get more tips when I look good." I rolled my eyes at her words.

"Oh and your boyfriend is okay with that?"

"Come on Anna, do you really think Marco has any say in what I do. You know I am the one who calls the shots in the relationship." I laughed at her words. It was true, I loved Marco but he was a big softy. You wouldn't think so looking at him, you would think he would call the shots. But in reality Brittany has him wrapped around her finger. She is deinfiely the  boss. "Plus he likes the fact that I bring home some good money." She said to me as she as she put her  makeup back in her bag.

"I can get just as many tips as you, and I don't wear makeup." I said as I got up. Brittany moaned at my words.

"Oh come on Annabelle you are literally gods gift to men. Men fall at your feet. I mean everyone loves you, I don't know one person who doesn't." I rolled my eyes and continued to walk until we were at her locker.

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