Chapter Three: What was my dad thinking!

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Annabelle's Prov:

I woke up rolling over looking at the clock. When I saw that it was only seven in the morning, I felt like screaming. I honestly couldn't believe I had only gotten three hours of sleep. I had tried to get more, but each time I did memories of that night came flashing threw. I didn't even try to sleep, I knew there was no point. I would just have the nightmares over and over again anyway. So I stayed up and thought of some new ideas for the restaurant.

I laid my head back down and shut my eyes. I knew I didn't have to work till later tonight anyway, so sleeping a little big longer was something I could actually be doing now. I laid there for a few minutes trying to get back to sleep, but it was no use. There was no way in hell I was going to be able to fall back asleep. I sighed and got out of bed walking into my bathroom. I quickly took a shower and got dressed into a pair of shorts and a shirt.

I walked out of my room and my nose was immediately met with the smell of chocolate chip pancakes. I frowned as I smelled this, my mom was the one who made the best chocolate chip pancakes. She would make them for me whenever I was having a bad day. I haven't had them in years because every time I did I only thought about my mom, and how I wish she was here with me.

I walked into the kitchen to see Carter over the stove busy at work. I rolled my eyes, I should have known my father wouldn't make these kind of pancakes knowing how I felt about them.

"Good morning Belle." He said to me as he noticed I was in the room. I rolled my eyes again at his words. I told you my name is Annabelle, and my friends call me Anna. Since your not really a friend of mine, you can call me Annabelle." I reminded him. He smirked at my words.

"For one I know your name Annabelle, I have known you your whole life. For two I not like everyone else so even if I was your friend, I wouldn't call you Anna. And thirdly I think Belle is a perfect nickname for you, you know it means beautiful in Italian?"

"Well good for Italian people." I said sarcastically as I started to cut up some fruit.

"What are you doing?"

"Cutting fruit." I said to him with a sigh.

"I'm making pancakes though."

"I can see that." I said to him as I moved to get a bowl out of the cupboard.

"Well then why are you making a fruit salad? I thought you loved chocolate chip pancakes." He said to me as he turned to look at me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I use to, I don't anymore." I explained to him as I put all the fruit in a bowl. He sighed at my words and shock his head. I put the peels away and walked over to the fridge getting some orange juice, then I made my way over to the table and sat down.

"Good morning sweetie, how are you this morning?" My father asked as he walked out of his room and into the dinning room area. I smiled as I saw him enter.

"I am doing okay, how about you?" I questioned him as I took a bite of my fruit salad.

"I am doing fantastic." He said to me as he walking more into the kitchen area. "My god does it smell amazing in here." My father said causing me to roll my eyes, but it made Carter smile.

"Well I thought I would make us breakfast for all of us, as a way to thank you both for letting me stay here. And for the job, it means a lot to me." I couldn't help but feel a little guilty at his words. I may not like Carter but he did have a sweet side to him.

"Well that was really nice of you to do, wasn't it Annabelle?" My father asked me. He only ever really called me by my real name when he was mad at me, apologetic with me, or warning me. I knew he wanted me to be nice to Carter, and only because he was my father and I loved him, would I actually try to be nice. But he didn't understand how hard it was going to be.

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