Untitled Part 10

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Chapter 10

As soon as I left the dining room, I went in pursuit of my son. Though I hated being away from Lucius again so soon, his near death far too fresh within my memory, my heart fluttered in anticipation of what was to come. It would only be a few more hours until we were together again. The thought allowed me to walk with my head held high and a bright smile on my face. I knew I looked utterly ridiculous, smiling like a mad woman with my puffy lips from all of the kissing and my hair sitting like a strange birds nest on top of my head.

Still, it earned me a few smiles from the staff I passed. I refused to be embarrassed about it. I felt so giddy; I was one second away from skipping through the halls. Despite how I felt, I somehow managed to keep a small sense of decorum. Instead of wild displays which would certainly set tongues wagging, I settled for humming under my breath as I walked through the hallways. So what if I had to keep my lips together to stop myself from giggling hysterically, or fist my hands around the fabric of my skirt to keep them still. I was happy and I was going to damn well enjoy it.

Our bedrooms were empty and all of the usual places Danny liked to play were empty. After everything that had happened over the past few days, my heart lurched uncomfortably. I picked up my pace, my footsteps clipping loudly against the floors as I pushed myself to walk faster and faster. It took a lot of self-control to stop panic from invading my body.

Stopping one of the staff, distracting the larger woman from her enthusiastic cleaning routine, I asked, "Have you seen my son? He's with Greta."

Looking down at me, she bowed her head in greeting. "Yes, milady," she replied. She lifted her hand and pointed down the hallway. "Greta took him out to the gardens with the others. You just need to head down the corridor, turn right and then keep walking until you reach the drawing room with the glass door. The door on the left will lead you out to the palace gardens."

"Thank you so much." I said politely but the woman had already returned to her chores, lost with in a world of her own.

I followed the path the woman had suggested, feeling uncertain when I came to parts of the castle I had neither the time nor the inclination to visit. There had always been something else to do. Finally I stepped out through the door and suck in a sharp breath at the entirely new world I had stepped into.

It was a small area with beautiful tended plants and trees, a little corner of paradise. There was a large wall covered in climbing purples vines which kept this little corner of heaven, a secret garden at the back of the palace gardens, separate from the rest. It was truly extraordinary. The grass, a mixture of yellow and orange, ruffled in the gentle breeze that was blowing through the garden, bringing with it cool fresh air which helped to blow away some of the cobwebs in my mind.

And then there was Danny. He was sat within a copse, the old trees fanning out above his head in a display of red and yellow leaves. He wasn't alone. There were demon children with him. Their appearances were as varied as the many adult demons I had met so far. Some appeared mostly human, with long waist length hair and soft very human skin. And then others appeared more animalistic.

However, their appearances did not matter. The children were setting the example for the adults. They paid no mind to their differences as they played happily with one another, their laughter carrying through the air, unburdened by hatred or prejudice. I wished it would last for the sake of all of the innocent souls. They deserved happiness and to remain untouched by the taint.

The young maid was sat off to the side on a small tree swing, watching over the children with a smile playing across her lips. Her head would dip down as she focused upon her needlework but it wouldn't be long before her eyes would lift once more to the children. It was peaceful to watch. I felt slightly jealous that the woman was able to enjoy this happy normal moment with my son. All I ever got were brief moments of quiet snatched between the unrelenting storms of death and danger.

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