Hell's Throne - Chapter 7

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"You've really found him?" I asked, desperate for it to be true but scared it was all a hallucination due to my lack of sleep.

Castiel lifted his gaze and nodded solemnly. From the way his shoulders were hunched, and his entire body radiated defeat, I knew the relief was going to be short-lived. They had found him but what if they was too late? My hand clutched at my chest as it gave a painful lurch.

"He isn't?" My voice cracked over the words before I gasped in a breath. "He isn't dead. He can't be dead."

Castiel quickly shook his head and pulled me into a hug. "No! No, he isn't dead." he squeezed me tight for a few seconds and then pulled away.

He glanced down at me and must have seen something on my face. It was probably disbelief. I could scarcely believe he told the truth when because he grasped both of my shoulders and shook me. "He is not dead. I promise."

Like something was unfurling within me, the strength which had kept me going through the last few days suddenly waned as I released the breath I had been holding. I rested my head tiredly on Castiel's shoulder. Trying to be strong when all I wanted to do was fall to pieces was exhausting. The mind-numbing, bone deep tiredness which was always there dragging at you minute by minute.

Yet despite the tiredness, the painful vice around my heart eased for a moment.

"I knew he wasn't dead. I don't know how but I just knew. Somewhere deep down in my soul I knew that he would come back to me." I closed my eyes as a shudder went through my body. "I didn't want to believe it though. If I had been wrong."

"But you weren't."

I pulled away and glanced over Castiel's shoulder. I almost expected Lucius to be standing in the corridor behind him, pulling a funny face at me for acting so silly. Then he would probably smirk and roll his eyes at me. Deep inside, I felt disappointed that he wasn't there to tease me. I needed to see him – to see for myself that he was still alive.

"So where is he? Has he gone up to our rooms?" I asked, slowly refocusing on the man before me.

Castiel entire body tensed at my question before he looked away.

"Cass, you should never play poker." I teased but my words fell flat. It was hard to joke when you felt ready to break.

Clearing my throat to clear the lump which had formed, I voiced the words which remained unspoken between us. "He's hurt, isn't he?"

Castiel turned his violet coloured eyes towards me and gave me that look – pity. Anger rushed through me suddenly, so unexpected that I had to press my lips together to stop myself from shouting him. Lack of sleep and overwrought nerves had left me emotionally unstable.

Castiel nodded once in answer to my question. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath. He wasn't dead and he was the Devil. He could survive almost anything. He's too stubborn to die. He would live and all too soon he would be a giant pain in my side just begging for a kick in the shins.

Still, I needed to see it to believe it. I had hallucinations of his return once already. I need to hold his hand, see his face, and hear his breath to know that what Castiel said was the truth.

"Take me to him." I ordered. My voice cracked over the words but I soon straightened my spine and attempted to regain my strength. Lucius needed me.

"Savannah, maybe you shouldn't –." Castiel started, placing a hand upon my shoulder.

I shook it offer and glared up at him. "I am no fainting lady needing to be sheltered from life's horrors by men. Take me to him, Castiel. I need to see for myself. If you don't take me, I will just look for him on my own."

Hell's Throne (The Devil's Assistant Series - 5 ) - UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now