•In The Outback With Junkrat•

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"And now... we see the elusive (Name), attacking a poor Hog." Junkrat smirked as he recorded you playing on Roadhog's belly. You giggled as the big man patted your little head.
"The Hog has seemed to attempt to make peace with the (Name)..."
You wiggled on his belly.
"Oh I think the rare (Name) is getting ready to attack!"
You gurgled.
"Here. It. Is."
You spit up.
"Jamie... get me a rag this is gross." Roadhog groaned.


"We now see the dangerous (Name) lurking in her enemy's den..."
You giggled as Roadhog put you under one of those baby blankets with the little toys.
"The creature seems to be falling for a trap set by the Hog..."
Roadhog tickled your little belly, making you burst out with giggles.
"Oh no! The Hog is attacking the (Name)!"
You squeaked and kicked your legs over and over again.
"The (Name) can't fight back!"
Roadhog blew on your belly.
"He is merciless!"


"We now see the tired (Name) with her father, who is protecting his child from danger!"
Jack sighed and continued to rock you. "Jamie please stop narrating us." He growled. You giggled at you're funnier older brother.
"Now the father has noticed me... and seems to be a bit hostile..."
"Jamie seriously."
"A very hostile creature indeed."
Jack pushed him out of the room and shut the door, locking it.
"Alright, let's get you to bed." Jack smiled and kissed you're little head.


"And now we see the (Name) sleeping..."

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