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**4 years later**

Beep beep beep beep.

The timer on the microwave beeped loudly in the kitchen, and I rushed out of the bedroom where I was reading little Selena a book, with her resting on my right hip.

I weaved around the small toys on the apartment floor in the living room and made it to the kitchen just in time to turn off the timer before it drove me insane. Carefully balancing Selena (whom I think had fallen asleep with her little blonde head resting on my shoulder), I bent down and pulled the baked macaroni and cheese out of the oven. I was still awful at cooking, just as I always had been, but I was learning. And for now, mac and cheese and mashed potatoes was still a good meal.

I covered the mac and cheese with a clean dish towel so that it would stay warm for when David got home from work. Ever since we all (barely) survived the alien attack four years ago, David and I had become basically the top experts on alien technology, which the government has been working on developing in the past years with our help. Today was my day off, so I could stay home and watch Selena. So here I was actually making (kind of) proper dinner instead of canned chicken noodle soup on the stove.

I hummed to myself, and checked the green beans and potatoes on the stove, before realizing that there was no possible way that I was going to be able to drain and mash the potatoes without waking up Selena. So I carried her back to the room, and laid her gently on the bed, before returning the kitchen to finish making dinner.

About halfway through mashing the potatoes, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs leading to the apartment, and then the door open.

I glanced at the clock. 5:30. Right on time.

"Honey, I'm home," David called out jokingly in a high, falsetto voice.

I chuckled, and continued to add butter and milk to the mashed potatoes. I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind, and David leaned his head down onto my shoulder.

"That smells really good. You're getting better cooking," he remarked, before sticking his finger into the bowl of potatoes. I slapped his hand away, but he managed to get some into his mouth first. "Mmmmm...yeah, you're definitely improving, this is much better than your poptarts."

I turned around and pointed at him menacingly and glared. "Hey, we said we'd never mention the poptart incident ever again. It was a one time thing," I insisted. We did make a pact never to talk about that again. He was right though, this dinner is much better than ones I've made before that I'd rather not speak of again either.

David grinned and kissed me gently. "The potatoes really do taste good Ellie. Thanks for making dinner."

"I'm a woman right? Therefore, cooking is all I'm good for, so I must make a wonderful dinner," I joked. David opened his mouth to respond, but I put my hand over his mouth. "Answer that and you're dead."

He nodded, but before I could pull my hand away from his mouth, he licked it, leaving a gross, mashed potato-y trail of spit on my hand. "Ewwwww!" I exclaimed, rubbing my hand off on his shirt. "Seriously, how old are you?"

David just laughed, and poked my nose. "Okay, now out of the way, so I can finish making dinner," I said, waving him away from me. 

He chuckled, and moved away to lean against the counter while I worked on finishing up the green beans. "Where's Selena?" He asked.

I used the wooden spoon in my hand to point towards the bedroom. "I laid her down on the bed, she fell asleep while I was holding her. She's probably still asleep, I think," I told him.

"Mmhmm. Steve said that he and Jasmine would be over to pick her back up around 7, so that means we have an extra guest for dinner tonight," David said.

I nodded. "I figured that she'd still be over; that's why I made mac and cheese, she loves that stuff. And, well, I'm still her age internally, and I love it too so," I trailed off, laughing.

After the war with the aliens, there had been an unbelievable amount of kids left orphaned, either because of their parents being killed in the attacks on the city, or because they were one of the soldiers trying to fight the aliens off. One of Steve's buddies, Jimmy, had had a young daughter, Selena, who was only a couple of months old, and was at a babysitter's house at the time of the attack, and had survived. Jimmy was killed in one of the attempts at a counter attack, which left the little girl orphaned. Steve and Jasmine adopted her because she had no one else left to take care of her, and Jimmy was one of Steve's best buddies. The two of them had some fancy dinner thing to go to tonight, so David and I were babysitting her.

David laughed at my previous comment. "That is true, you're basically a child yourself. It's like I have to babysit you every single day," he joked. I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him (like a child), and then turned back to the green beans again, stirring them.

There was a pause of silence before David spoke up again. "Do you want kids someday, Elaina?"

I jerked my hand, causing a bit of water to splash out of the pot and onto the stove. I shook off the surprise and grabbed a towel to wipe up the mess. "Yeah, I suppose I would someday," I said thoughtfully. I grinned. "Yeah, kids would be the best, I love kids. They're so cute."

"Hey Elaina," I heard David say.

"Yeah?" I responded, not turning around.


"David, what?"

"Elaina, I want to ask you something."

I sighed, turning around. "Well then just-"

The spoon dropped out of my hand, and clapped my hands over my mouth. David was right in front of me, kneeling on one knee with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face, and small box in his hands. I could already feel tears in my eyes.

"Elaina, will you marry me?"

A/N: THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, first of all, I BET I MADE YOU GUYS THINK THAT DAVID AND ELAINA HAD A KID. Hehe, sorry not sorry.
Anyway, it's finished!!!! Ahhh!!! I love you guys so much, thank you all for reading and putting up with my ridiculously long breaks between updating (whoops).
There probably won't be a sequel with the second movie, but who knows.
Anyway, thanks for reading, and voting and commenting and everything, you guys are the best!!
<3 <3 <3

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