We're Alive???

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"Okay, get in your seat, get in your seat!!" Steve yelled at me and David (who was currently giving me a stink eye for the crash-landing suggestion).

I grinned innocently at David, and plopped back into my chair at the front of the ship, actually buckling in this time. I couldn't even imagine what kind of shit I was going to get from David afterwards (if we survived this) for not having buckled in in the seat in the back, and subsequently smashing my head on the walls of the dumb alien ship.

That thought crossing my mind reminded me that, hey! my head is hardcore killing me right now. I reached up to touch my head again, and when I pulled my hand back down, it was still red with blood like before, though significantly less so. I hoped that meant that the bleeding was slowing and hopefully drying so that I wouldn't like bleed out to death. Of course, thinking that I would bleed out from a bump on my head was pretty melodramatic of me, but honestly would be just my luck.

David sat back down in his chair on the other side of Steve, buckling himself in as tight as possible. "Are you sure there isn't any other way to land the ship?" He asked unsurely.

"Nope!" I said cheerfully, even though I was internally shaking and just as terrified as David. "C'mon man, this will be fun!"

David glared at me. "'Fun' isn't exactly the word I had in mind," he mumbled grumpily.


"Shut up guys, we're about to enter Earth's atmosphere," Steve interrupted me before I could try and freak David out even more about crash landing. "Hopefully you got that thing fixed fast enough, and we won't burn to a crispy piece of barbecue while knocking on Earth's front door.'

"Psshhh, we'll be fine," I reassured them half-heartedly. They looked at me, obviously not convinced. "Hey, I mean, on the bright side, if that does happen, crispy barbecue fat lady is the best fat lady there is.

Steve and David stared at me incredulously as though I had literally just grown a unicorn horn out of my forehead.

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "What, so you can make fat lady jokes as much as you want, but when I do it, it's weird?? That's so-"

I was thrown back against my seat, and cut off mid-sentence as the space ship lurched. Evidently we had just began entering the atmosphere, and I could feel the difference. 

I shut my eyes tightly, as though I was trying to hide myself from the heat that I could feel slowly roasting me like a turkey over an open fire. It felt like I was already the crispy barbecue fat women, minus a couple hundred pounds and an opera piece to sing.

I sat pressed against the back of my seat, eyes shut, and basking in the incredibly uncomfortable heat that seemed to increase by the second, for what seemed like forever. I was just becoming positive that we had died and that I was doomed to sit in this uncomfortable position for the rest of eternity when the heat and compression stopped, and I was just left with the feeling that my stomach was still back on the mother ship and we were falling hella fast.

I opened my eyes to see the ground starting to rush at us for a split second, before Steve pulled on the steering thing, leveling us out more so we were rushing at the ground at a much less steep slope.

I gripped the sides of my seat tightly, half expecting it to break off into my hands if I kept holding it so tightly. "So, uh, how exactly is this whole crash-landing thing going to go?" I asked Steve shakily, really not wanting to know the answer.

"Shhhh," Steve shushed me, keeping his eyes and concentration in front of him.

"Right, eyes on the road. Good job. Glad you passed your driving test," I mumbled under my breath. I heard David snort with laughter at that comment, before inhaling sharply when Steve started lowering the ship closer to the ground so that it once again looked like we going to become bugs on a windshield.

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